[FIC] Doll Me, CH3

Nov 28, 2009 23:47

Title: Doll Me
Author: setsuna_k
Pairing: MiQ * QMi
Genre: AU, Romance, Comedy, Fluff
Rating: PG - 13
Type: Multi-chapter
Status: On-going

Chapter 1: It was clearly a mistake when the package from China arrived on Kyuhyun's lanky hands. Maybe their grandmom made a little boo-boo and sent the the only male of the Cho siblings a doll gift.

Chapter 2: He just had to steal. For years of proper upbringing and principle, he was taught that stealing is wrong and unacceptable but he still did it.

Chapter 3: He looked groggily, assessing the situation - spots that hurt would soon form purple bruises on his skin and perfectly styled hair now ruined. He then noticed another body unmoving just a few away from him; the unidentified person's face was hidden by his hand.


“--ou I think I should buy that? I've got an overload of pink here but I can't just give up that cellp-HEY!EARTH TO CHO KYUHYUN!” Sungmin finally waved an angry hand at Kyuhyun who he caught staring absently out the window. There wasn't anything amusing outside - Sungmin knew - but the less attentive male was just looking at anywhere but him. “Okay, rude much?”

Kyuhyun shook his head out of its stupor and grinned embarrassingly. “S-sorry, you were saying? About buying a turtle, right? Let's go ask Yesung-hyung about that later, you like?”

Sungmin narrowed his eyes; displeased written all over his face. He almost, ALMOST hit him with a rubber eraser. “You ass--

It wasn't like Kyuhyun was doing it on purpose but his mind had been flying everywhere since that unexpected encounter just days ago. How could there be someone who looked like his Mimi-doll around the campus and missed seeing him? Heck, the man was tall - like Mimi, - white - like Mimi, - and pretty - like Mimi! Nothing made sense to him, especially seeing that man wearing the exact clothes as his doll...

...which he still hadn't found and hadn't told to Ahra-unnie and thoughtful grandmom about it. Because if he did mention it, well, it was goodbye laptop for a month - or worse, two. Goodbye Starcraft, goodbye online pawning!

Still, who was he? A visitor? Lost student? A new faculty member? Why didn't Kyuhyun notice him before? And why now?

Oh, incoming migraine.

“If you're still thinking about that dude, I'll stab you with my HB pencil. No, I really, will.” Sungmin - with indeed, an HB pencil on hand - warned with a pout as he noticed Kyuhyun leaning towards the window again.

“Do you think we'll see him again?” Kyuhyun, looking through the wide glass, asked to no one in particular - as if talking to himself - and earned himself a gawking expression from the male in front him. “What? I'm just wondering!”

“Geez, defensive, aren't you?” Sungmin snorted; he crossed his arms over his chest and puffed his cheeks. “Well, I don't like him at all.”

That was then Kyuhyun's full attention teetered to an upset-looking Sungmin. “Says the guy who wished for Mimi to be real.” He reminded and continued. “Why not?”

It surprised the younger one that the usual cheery Sungmin turned serious suddenly.

Because it was a fact that a serious Sungmin is less adorable than a cutesy, happy Sungmin.

“Have you even considered that maybe MAYBE that guy sneaked inside the campus to do trouble? We're not actually high-tech to afford full-on security and stuff. What if he was some sick stalker after you, huh? Considering he wore clothes that looked like Mimi's!” Sungmin then paused at the sudden realization rambling. “WHAT... WHAT IF HE WAS THE ONE WHO STOLE OUR DOLL?!”


Somewhere in the campus, Zhou Mi sneezed loudly, only to be jabbed and barked - “Too noisy, Seasoning!” - by an attentive Heechul being tutored by Han Geng. It was no surprised that Chinese History was not Heechul's forte and would rather do and study about Performing Arts or cats.

Or Han Geng himself.

“Heechul-ah! Focus! And why are you drooling?!”


Sungmin stuffed his bags and other pink memorabilia inside his pink bag as he spoke. “We gotta keep a close eye on him. Neither of us have seen him before and we really shouldn't care at all but since he was wearing Mimi's clothes, well, it's time to play detective!”

“I was just only wondering if we'd see him again and you're going on about watching him? You're interested, Sungmin-ah.” Kyuhyun flashed his famous smirk, a little amused. “You're interested about him, aren't you?”

The bell rang and students began leaving the room, with Sungmin following them from behind. Just before he stepped out, he turned and a beamed - like his usual, merry self - at Kyuhyun who decided to stay inside the room to catch some snooze.

“Yes, well, I'm interested because this is the first time I see you caught up and distracted and, yes, I see those sparkling eyes recently, Kyu. You can't hide things from me, much to your dismay. I can so read you like a book. Speaking of book, I gotta return the book I borrowed from Ryeowookie!”

Sungmin was gone, leaving a stunned Kyuhyun gaping at his seat. That was then every word the older male said sank in.


The bell rang again, in perfect unison with Kyuhyun's colorful profanity.


Early dismissal during Tuesdays was one of the things Kyuhyun enjoyed the most - he'd be running up the stairs, to the rooftop and stay there until Sungmin was done with his Band club. Occasionally, he'd be joining Yesung-hyung, his odd senior with soft-spoken underclass man Ryeowook eating treats, that was if the two came first before him.

He was expecting them to be there but saw no one. That was alright.

The sun was high-up, shining bright at late afternoon, together with the breezy wind sweeping his hair. He'd smell the delightful scent of Fall-season air, enjoying the faint sounds of honking cars and students from down-below chattering. This was a good, good day.

Of course, Kyuhyun was still in the middle of his search of the doll - the ball-jointed doll that he grew fond of very quickly - was still missing. Maybe he should post at their bulletin some kind of Lost and Found notice, offer a price. Two people on the search inside a huge, public campus made no progress so maybe asking a few more pair of hands and eyes might help.

“I told you to do it but nooooo~ You just had to go with your little idea and that happened! What am I to do with you, Seasoning??” A voice caught Kyuhyun's attention and turned to watch two students - not Yesung-hyung nor Ryeowook but someone else - by the railing, overlooking the distance, oblivious to Kyuhyun's presence.

And Kyuhyun thought he was all alone at the rooftop.

“It worked out... fine.” Another voice spoke, a little familiar, which sounded half-assured, half-in doubt. The smaller guy shrugged, raising his shoulders and hands.

“Whatever, Seasoning. Just let me know if there are any progressions with Kui Xian, yeah? Catch you later! I'm going to meet with Geng!” The smaller guy turned but Kyuhyun was quicker to duck out of sight, towards a wall and watched the male, who looked quite feminine, opened the door to downstairs and closed it behind him, leaving the taller companion.

Kyuhyun watched with curious eyes the taller male, in the same uniform as he is, get his hair be swept away by the wind and his shoulders slumping down as if depressed. With one child-like gesture of hitting the metal railings with a palm frustratingly, the man turned.

Kyuhyun's breathing stopped, and so did his heart. “Mimi...?”

Then a cellphone went off loudly, noisily, singing SORRY SORRY and making its existence known at the worst possible moment.

It was Kyuhyun's cellphone. And the ID told him that Sungmin was calling him.

Panic splashed on him like freezing water.



Zhou Mi looked up and around, searching for the source of the music, only to find a person shuffling oddly behind a wall, his back turned to him. He shrugged it off, thinking that it was just another student playing hooky like any other students and walked away.

He already entered inside and started downwards, only to be reminded that, oh crap, Heechul did say to wait for him at the rooftop this morning. Something about watching the sunset today with him and Han Geng and how afternoon sun-rays were good to the skin. Or something like that.

He turned to his heel and walked up again. He was about to reach for the knob when the door burst open from the other side, and a body lunging forward, as if on a run and collided with Zhou Mi's; two of them toppling together and rolling down the stairs in a tangle of limbs.

The feeling was painful in all sides of his body after what seemed like long minutes of rolling and hitting and Zhou Mi thought he broke a bone. Or his nose. Or something.

It seemed that he didn't as he carefully sat up on his arms. He looked groggily, assessing the situation - spots that hurt would soon form purple bruises on his skin and perfectly styled hair now ruined. He then noticed another body unmoving just a few away from him; the unidentified person's face was hidden by his hand.

“Hey... Hey... Hey, are you okay...?!” Zhou Mi panicked and shook in terror, reaching out to the student and heaving the knocked-out man close to him. “Hey! Wake u--

He removed the hand and thought that maybe, just maybe, that fate was really good at playing games with him by once again presenting Cho Kyuhyun unconscious - much more good-looking up close than Zhou Mi ever thought, imagined and dreamed.

He then froze when Kyuhyun cracked an eye open with difficulty, groaning as he did so, and gasped when their eyes finally locked with each other for the first time. The real first time.


A/N: I do wonder if I ended this chapter right. Hmm. Hmmm. So another encounter for QMi! What's going to happen to them now? Omonah!



pairing: qmi, super junior, subject: zhou mi, type: multi-chapter, genre: fluff, rating: pg-13, !fanfic, subject: kyuhyun, genre: shonen-ai/slash/bl/bromance, genre: humor/comedy, author: setsuna_k, genre: romance

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