[FIC] Halloween Is For Kids (at heart too!) , ONE-SHOT

Oct 23, 2009 13:24

Title: Halloween Is For Kids (at heart too!)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Comedy, Crack/Drabble/Random
Pairing: Band-love (all of 'em 15 boys!) and some Ninja!Pairing (if you squint hard enough, hehehe.)
Type: One-shot
Disclaimer: I'd be dreaming if I say, HAH! I OWNZ THEM! *gets killed next*

Summary: They just had to celebrate Halloween in the most comical and craziest ways, all thanks to this statement - WE'RE NOT GONNA GET ANY YOUNGER ANYMORE! LIKE TEUKIE-HYUNG! He has to do Halloween PRONTO!


Things would have gone smoothly and peacefully that day when all of the members - including quiet Henry and happy Zhou Mi - were just lounging around at the 11th's dorm, until Donghae and Eunhyuk came barging in with big boxes on their arms. Oh, they weren't clad with simple clothing. In fact, Donghae had a red cape on and a clown's wig while Eunhyuk stood behind him wearing an arrow piercing through temples and toy eye-patch.

With a loud thud from the boxes, Donghae exclaimed, "We gotta celebrate Halloween! C'mon!" And then one by one, he took out several things that the members never knew they had kept - ghoul attire, toy bolts and screws, witch costume, a big dice (with holes on it, prolly to stick your limbs out), butler and maid - "WE HAVE THAT? WHO OWNS THAT ANYWAY?!" Came a surprised remark from Sungmin - costumes and a whole other unusual non-performing clothes.

As quickly as Donghae and Eunhyuk took out the clothes like two happy kids with their Legos, Eeteuk gave them a skeptic look. "Hold it, boys. What's going on here?"

"It's Halloween time! Don't you get into the spirit of the season?" Donghae too oblivious about the reprimanding continued taking out more stuff from the carton - a sailor's uniform, vampire clothing, victorian suits and many many more - that no sooner than 5 minutes, everyone flocked around the wardrobes and enthusiastically marveled at it. "Check this out: PIRATES!"

"And where in Heebum's name did you get that information, eh?"

Little did they know that somewhere inside the dorm, a cat sneezed. A quick, fur-ball-induced sneeze.

"Well, Henli told me that during the October, kids from Canada celebrate Halloween to scare people and get sweets at the same time! Sweets that are for free! FREE! Would you believe that?" Donghae explained and then turning to Ryeowook and giving him a fluffy, ruffly princess dress. "I think this is for you. PERFECT!"


Amidst the crowd (and yes, having 15 people inside one space was indeed a noisy but happy crowd), Henry emphasized, "Gege, I meant to say kids - small, hyper and loud kids - celebrate it. Not, uh, adults."

"Bah! Who cares? We're kids too! Except for Teukie-hyung... and maybe Heechul-hyun--

Then a pillow was sent flying to Eunhyuk, successfully smacked his face good. Heechul smirked in victory. The latter gave him a pout but proceeded nonetheless.

Both the Fishy and the Anchovy - unstoppable as they were - weren't quitting and continued mixing and matching attires for the remaining eager members. Eunhyuk swiveled to Siwon and shoved a priest's attire at him. "Now this is made just for you! Hold a bible and you'd be awesome!"

Siwon stared at the dancer like the older was crazy. "You can't b--- Oh, I like it already."

Still standing from where he was for the past 15 minutes, Kangin, with arms crossed, interjected with a question. "Who are we going to scare at this time of hour anyway?" He then made a quick glance at his watch and noted, "It's like, half past 7, you know."

"We'll think of something." Came an unusual reply from Yesung who had that interesting twinkle in his eyes as he held a Frankenstein costume up in the air. "And how come I knew this only now? This is great. Really great." Despite that monotonous tone and expression, everyone sensed that Yesung was already shaking with giddiness. Oh yes, the older one was rather excited. And this was rather unexpected. "Omo! Samurai costumes too?! I've been wanting to have one of these!"

Kyuhyun eyed at the wardrobe he took out by random - just anything his hand could grab upon rummaging inside the box - and grunted. Hell, he wasn't interested wearing a devil's attire. Wait, on second thought, maybe he could make things work with the toy trident and that plastic red horns that came with the package.

Eeteuk shook his head. "Wait, wait, wait. You guys can't be serious. And it's all too sudden. Not to mention unpla--

"Hyung! We're not gonna get younger anymore! We gotta do this! Do you see yourself doing this again after 40? No, you don't! Because after 40, you'd be watching 27 stray cats instead!" Donghae, who as of the moment looking quite an adorable child with that pouty expression of his, stared beggingly at his hyung. Just who in the world could resist this cuteness? Eeteuk almost fell for it -- which he did after more pouting and eyes glimmering.

"Argh. Fine! Just stay out of trouble! And I'm not gonna watch 27 stray cats, you here me?!"

The eldest among the group disappeared inside the kitchen, mumbling about cats and age number. Donghae grinned, gave a thumb's up to Eunhyuk and cheered excitedly. "Who wants to wear the doctor suit?"


Two hours later and after much debates on who was going as what, Zhou Mi appeared looking quite displeased. Not only that he was wearing a simple yellow shirt and jeans, his face had yellow petals attached around and toy flowers and leaves on his hand. Where was the trademark sunny smile? It disappeared as soon as he stepped out to reveal his costume that Hankyung had fixed for him.

"Yah, I know sunflowers are happy but this one isn't. What's wrong with you?" Shindong said as he pointed the now floral-dressed Chinese member using chopsticks with ramen noodles dangling from it. Kyuhyun, at his hardest, tried not to burst but guffawed after 5 seconds when Zhou Mi showed a sarcastic sunny-flower smile. They young male practically rolled on the floor with hands on his stomach.

The older one shot him a deadly look before retreating from the backstage-slash-dressing room-slash-costume vault. "Yeah, laugh while you still can, Kui Xian. Laugh while you still can."

Then a new model emerged; the next one presenting was... who in the world?

"Heechul-hyung? With blond hair? Why... do you look like Hankyung-sshi?" Kangin told in shocked while staring at a bleach-haired - probably a wig now that the two thought of it - Heechul wearing a very familiar costume that they wore during their tour - the reptile, sleeveless vest and black slacks they used at Disco Drive.

"Hah! No one can pull of wearing a Geng costume other than me!" The Cinderella-man proclaimed proudly before sputtering gibberish Chinese-Korean words and began doing trademark Hankyung dance moves. "Yo yo yo, my man!"

"This... is not working." Shindong whispered, backing away together with the cup of ramen at his hands.

"My thoughts exactly." Kangin whispered back.

Suddenly, Donghae and Eunhyuk popped out from the room and dragged the hyper man away, yelling, "Hyung! You're doing it wrong!"

Amidst the debate over Heechul looking pretty much like Hankyung and the real Hangkyung covering his face in embarrassment, a big box of something trudged outside. Upon closer inspection, this was no ordinary something because right in front of the surface plastered a big block of text, VIOLIN FOR SEMI-DUMMIES, and that it looked like it was huge HUGE human-sized reference.

"Looks who's the walking genius now! Hah!" Popping his head from the top side, Henry giggled and waved his short arms around, modeling his now book-body costume. Shindong and Kangin face-palmed.

"The little guy worse than Heechul-hyung!"

But nothing was worst than forcing a Kibum in peasant's clothing - plus staff and a plushie sheep snugged around his arm. His once facial hair cleanly removed previously but now was replaced by a badly drawn beard using charcoal pencil. His scowl added more charm, actually; he looked like a stressed out shepherd who had been looking for his long lost sheep all day long.

"Don't you say a word." Was his scary statement to the snickering members before storming back inside the room. "Sungmin-hyung, I'm not gonna wear this!"

Little did they now that the time they spent mixing and matching turned longer than originally planned. It made them realize too late when Eeteuk arrived from the convenience store with bag of candies and chocolates and with the question, "Why are you guys still here? It's almost 11! I thought you were going out to scare people!"

Donghae, now wearing bobbing antennae, jolted up from his rummaging and looked appalled. "Woh?! Is it that late already?! What happened?! Where did the time go?!" Yes, the little Donghae was panicking like child who lost his favorite robot toy. "No! We gotta go outside now!"

"But I'm not done yet!" Ryeowook cried while struggling to put on a victorian dress and Yesung was no help to him because the latter was too busy marveling at his samurai look and fake X scar on the face.

"I'm Yesung, Yesung the slasher. Fear me not and the last thing you'd see would be the glint of my sword!"

"Yesung-hyung! Heeeelp!"

The members, 10 of them shuffling around the entrance because Eunhyuk told them to get ready, eyed suspiciously after someone wearing a white blanket over, covering the body from head to toe. At the head though, there was a poorly illustrated spooky face. "Yah, Donghae-ah, what are you supposed to be ah?"

"Wooo~ I'm the spiriiit~ I don't know what handsome, hot, good-looking, and cute Donghae you speak of."

Eunhyuk gave him a punch on the arm before laughing. "Oh, you shut up."

But even before they could finally make an exit towards the quest of collecting sweets while scaring the wits out of unsuspecting people of Korea, the lights inside the dorm flickered first then BAM! All lights went off, enveloping the area with darkness. There was even no light source coming from outside the main door.

"What the hell?!"

"Wait, no one moves or--OWWW! SOMEONE STEPPED ON MY TOES!"

"Great, I dropped my petals."


"My bad, I thought that was my doll sheep."



"Oi, why are you guys going silent? Damn, speak! It's giving me the goosebumps! Yeah yeah yeah, my brothers! C'mon!"

"Heechul-ah, you're so noisy."

And the commotion got louder and louder with the members blindingly finding their way around and for flashlights. Some stabbed their toes against hard surfaces while others collided with another, creating more chaos and colorful profanities. Unbeknownst to them, their managers, just outside their door, whistled and walked away from the area with cunning grins plastered on their lips.

"Happy Halloween, boys. Enjoy Halloween for about... 30 minutes more. Heh."




A/N: I'm honoring Halloween plus the fact that I was able to finish watching Mystery 6 without quitting halfway. I got so scared (and believe me, I'm one jumpy person, it's so ridiculous!) but was compensated with Donghae getting rescued by Eeteuk when he was drowning. TeukHae's kinda sweet actually. I APPROVE. *ra ra ra!!* Also, I learned to appreciate KiHae and MinWook! Hah!

You liked what you read, pretties? *waggles eyebrow*

super junior, subject: all members, type: one-shot, rating: pg-13, genre: crack/drabble/random, !fanfic, author: setsuna_k, genre: humor/comedy

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