[FIC] Only For You, ONE-SHOT

Oct 02, 2009 13:29

Title: Only For You
Pairing: QMi
Rating: PG - 13 (Sexual situation)
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Shmut
Type: One-shot

Disclaimer: I CLAIM OWNERSHIP OVER THAT SMALL COOKIE ON YOUR DESK! HAH! (What? Super Junior? Do I look like I have something of awesomeness to claim anything? Naaaw~)

Dedicated to:
thundersquall ,
ficcy ,
hotarumyst , 
tewki ,
hoyah for being the source of my inspiration. I know I'm a complete stranger to you guys but you guys proved to be great models of writing (drool-worthy) SJ fics (a lot of people here believe so too!). The pairing might not be to your liking but I do hope you'll like it.

Summary: Yes, he didn't prefer the ladies for he was already interested with someone else. Wait, scratch that, he was already together WITH that someone. Well, sort of. Somewhat.


At times like this that Kyuhyun wondered if being too quiet was a bad thing, most especially now that he was inside a large hall, in a formal suit that he wore during Super Girl shoot, with everyone having a blast over food and drinks. While they were laughing and conversing to countless people Kyuhyun believed he couldn't remember after this evening, he was just standing there - at the refreshment area with a glass at hand and pursed lips - all alone.

He first spotted his leader, Hangeng-ge, bowing his head lowly at someone who looked like an important individual of the Chinese market music. The second youngest of the sub-group guessed that this person must be congratulating the success of the second album of Super Junior-M. After all, China and Korea are good, good friends.

His eyes averted after Siwon and Donghae, nodding their heads while they spoke with a group of Chinese people. Kyuhyun could also see how tentative Donghae was - with that serious look on his face - while one older man talked to him, in Mandarin for sure. Probably trying to understand word by word what the guy was saying, Kyuhyun thought.

Next was the older ladies fawning over Henry and Ryeowook of how adorably cute they were. Cheeks, cheeks and more cheeks; Ryeowook looked like he was having those oh-no-here-comes-another-pinching cringe on his face and tried avoiding those eager, ring-adorned fingers. Much to his dismay, both of them had their now abused cheeks pinched by the too delighted ladies.

"Too cute." Kyuhyun watched the scene with amusement, taking quick sips from his drink. He would've wanted to mingle like what the other members were doing but exhaustion came over him without notice the moment he stepped inside the large hall. Everything felt heavy actually, even the finger foods that were supposedly light on anyone's stomach felt heavy in him. His muscle ached but still stood confidently in front of the watching crowd, that was if anyone was watching him.

Unconsciously, his raven eyes fell on a particular member being surrounded by a couple of fine-looking ladies, too fine actually. The said member was smiling brightly as usual as the female group giggled with him. Kyuhyun twitched at the sight before him; those Chinese girls wore their dresses too skimpy for his taste, most especially that the slit on their clothes were high enough to expose thighs which he find unbearable to look at.

Yes, he didn't prefer the ladies for he was already interested with someone else. Wait, scratch that, he was already together WITH that someone. Well, sort of. Somewhat.

How happy Kyuhyun was when Zhou Mi practically and cunningly trapped him inside their practice room one evening just so the latter could confess - with that slight broken Hangul of his - to Kyuhyun. The former would never admit the pure bliss he felt that moment - that memorable night when only the two of them occupied that room.

But hold it, even after Zhou Mi confessed to him, Kyuhyun had yet to reply. Blame his shyness or pride or whatever, Kyuhyun couldn't muster anything to say after that. He would have to deal with replying to Zhou Mi later, or perhaps after this celebration. He knew he should say something tonight, despite the exhaustion that was eating up his strength.

Still, back at the problem at hand, said older admirer had his hand full of girls flirting him as of the moment. Of course, Kyuhyun thought immediately, that THAT Zhou Mi wouldn't push them away and would converse with them instead; speaking suave in fluent Mandarin and grinning pleasantly at anything. It was a Zhou Mi thing to do, alright.

Because, as everyone would put it, Zhou Mi was living sunshine and sometimes too sunshine that it drove Kyuhyun up the wall. Like for instance, now, where girls giggled even more to whatever Mr. Sunny Smile was saying. It would do the younger one better if Zhou Mi would lessen his interaction with the ladies. They were too close to his personal bubble and it really annoyed Kyuhyun.

"At least a meter distance. That would do, you idiot." He mumbled at his cup with one eye inconspicuously peered at the group who had Zhou Mi's undivided attention. And here I thought you l liked only me. What the hell are you doing now?

Just when thing couldn't get even more worse for the already tired Cho Kyuhyun, one lady - a sexy and beautiful Asian one, perhaps an artiste - stride across Zhou Mi and gave the male a playful squeeze on the arm. The girls began squealing like excited fans but Zhou Mi's reaction was otherwise.

Kyuhyun saw him shaking his head but still smiling, as always. Whatever that was, it was the last straw for the younger one. Dammit, I should've just stayed at my room. Just as he was to take a quick turn and exit the now growing crowd and noise, the inevitable happened.


The surprised male blinked his heavy lids that had droplets on his long lashes. His lips tasted strawberries when he closed them after gawking for a second, and, funny, he wasn't using any strawberry-flavored lip-balm. He looked down and noted the new look on his suit - drench, wet, distorted and had lemon slice on the hem. It took a while before Kyuhyun felt sticky on his face down to his neck. "What--

"I'm sorry! I'm terribly sorry! Are you alright? I'll pay for that, really! I'm so sorry" The waitress stuttered - in Mandarin, the singer immediately comprehended - too quickly, taking out a large cloth from her possession and began wiping the excess fluid on Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, had his mind too full of thoughts to argue with the waitress, or even react to the fact that he was now drenched with different drinks and refreshments, and simply dismissed her off.

"It's okay. I'm fine." He assured in fluent Mandarin - short and firm - and walked away from the curious crowd and the apologetic waitress, who was now getting scolded by the manager. The members, who were far from the commotion's location did not take any notice of the situation.

The younger one sighed and left the area quietly. Little did Kyuhyun know though, behind him was a worried Zhou Mi following him to the elevators.

"Kui Xian..."


"Great, now the stylist will murder me when she sees this." The singer scrunched his face in dismay at the sight of red and green and pink on his white polo. The black blazer was fine, considering that it was black and stains were at minimal but his polo. Oh, his polo was ruined. Can I ask Ryeowook about this? He did mention about laundry and bleaches...

He tossed the now-colored top in his laundry basket, slightly frustrated. First it was Zhou Mi and now this? Simply amazing.

Inside his dimly-lit hotel room -- not too big and was over-looking the night scape of China, -- Kyuhyun walked and rummaged through his suitcase to confirm any decent formal attire to wear. Bathing could come later (a quick wash on his face and neck, re-do make up would do) because he needed proper clothes to wear now and immediately return at the party or else anyone would notice his sudden disappearance. Hankyung-hyung was quite the sharp one. And so was Siwon.

Then there was the soft knocking against his door, followed by a gentle, "Kui Xian, you in there? It's me."

Zhou Mi? How did he...?

Being the clever Chinese person that he was (and tad playful no matter what and when), Zhou Mi easily slid a card and no sooner than 1-2-3, he was inside Kyuhyun's room. He watched with wide eyes, for a moment, and swallowed hard; his Kui Xian wore nothing but his black slacks that wrapped around his tiny waist, a slick, velvet belt with glistening buckle holding his downward-wear and leather shoes. "What, uh, happened? You... okay?"

Apparently, the Chinese male was distracted. Who wouldnt? It wasn't everyday he'd get a chance to catch a half-dressed Kyuhyun, who most of time preferred to dress alone during shoots and whatnots.

Kyuhyun swiveled too quickly, his back now facing his surprised visitor, to hide the growing embarrassment and blush governing his face. Thank goodness that the lamp inside the room let out soft rays rather than bright ones to expose any redness that he wasn't ready to reveal just yet. Oh, wait. Maybe that was a bad idea instead because, hey, they were alone.

Inside a room.

With him only on his pants.

"I'm fine. I'll be good in a minute." Kyuhyun said, forcing a steady voice not to crack or falter. He wasn't planning to face or look at Zhou Mi, not now and not yet.

Still, no matter how many times he willed his emotions to stop doing erratic dance moves, just the mere presence of the Chinese member made his heart pumped thrice than normal. He quietly hoped he won't passed out just because of this.

"Oh... okay. I'll wait for you at the hall then." That was all Zhou Mi's reply before Kyuhyun heard the door opening and closing with a soft click.

He didn't understand why it happened oh-so immediately but he felt painful stings in his eyes. The same heavy feeling pulling him down earlier at the party just doubled. Tears threatened to slide down, which it it did after four heartbeats.

Stream of salty tears trickled downwards his cheeks and sobbed; his two hands now covering his face and didn't mind the coldness of the air-conditioning system might affect his shirtless torso, his body.

You could've stayed, you idiot. You could've waited here and tell me again what you told me just days ago. Are you playing with me, you big nosed-buffoo--

"You're crying, Kui Xian? If it's because of me, then, wow. You love me that much?"

Kyuhyun looked around, then behind, at the direction of the familiar voice and watched, with widening eyes, the heartfelt sun-smile Zhou Mi flashing at him. Just for him. There he was, still standing at the door with the suit the younger one knew all too well from all the secret watching he was doing during the Super Girl shoot. And Kyuhyun thought he really left!

This was just one of the moments that the younger one literally didn't breathe and grow stunned.

Zhou Mi, taking this his one-shot chance, advanced; striding his long legs forward and slowly trapping the shocked Kyuhyun between him and the glass window. "Thought I really left you alone here, didn't you?"

"I... I--

"I want to hear it. I want to hear it now, Kui Xian."

Hear what? Kyuhyun tried rattling his brain to work properly, like it should, but Zhou Mi was breathing down on him; he couldn't think straight when Zhou Mi had his body slightly pressed against the younger one's exposed body. With a free hand, the Chinese singer ran his fingers along Kyuhyun's cheek then jawline, down to his neck and back to his face, precisely his plump lips. Continuously but this time at a slower pace, Zhou Mi ran a soft finger across the trembling lips, first the upper lip then the lower one, coaxing it to relax.

Kyuhyun was at loss for words and mobility and could only feel the intense fire of the spots Zhou Mi just touched; his lips were uncontrollably shaking, and so was his breathing. This closeness, this intimacy, all of it felt insane because Zhou Mi was simply the one doing it.

"Lick it."

Kyuhyun finally overcame immobility and looked at his partner with a stunned mixed shocked gaze. Did he just say what Kyuhyun thought he said?


"Lick it. Tian."

The younger stared intensely at the older one; their eyes locked together in magnetizing pull of lust and passionate. The stillness of the surrounding made both males hear the fast beating of hearts rooted from both nervousness and excitement. This moment, this very moment, everything was clear and vivid and neither couldn't deny the situation that unfolded before them.

The drumming inside his chest rang inside his ear and he couldn't hear anything except the inhaling and exhaling of the male in front of him. He paused for a moment, collecting the strength that drowned out of him back in and slowly, reluctantly, parted his trembling lips open and stuck out his tongue. With tightly closed eyes for the embarrassment of looking straight at Zhou Mi, Kyuhyun began sliding his innocent tongue over the soft padding of Zhou Mi's finger.

"Kui Xian..." That sound in voice and sigh resounded happiness and bliss and Kyuhyun could've sworn he felt Zhou Mi smiling down on him. Still, he would not dare look up or open his eyes at the man before him. Instead, he unconsciously proceeded licking up and down, until his action, without consent, took the finger inside his mouth. "Mmmm..."

Time had really slowed down on them and Kyuhyun felt the never-ending gush of emotions overtaking his mind, heart and down there. How could such a simple action be so insanely arousing? He felt light-headed from all the thinking but his body was at auto-pilot, obediently following every command Zhou Mi told him. Because his voice was just so.

The glass behind him, against his exposed back, felt cold but was not cold enough to cool down the warm-turning-heat that was tingling around his body. Oh, god... I can't believe this is happening... But Kyuhyun was not entirely complaining, In fact, it was the opposite.

That was then Zhou Mi pulled his saliva-covered finger back, gave it a quick lick as well - which earned him a once again surprised reaction from Kyuhyun - and finally took the petite body into his arms and brought it on the soft mattress. The squeaking of the bed made the younger one snap back from his trance and finally realized that Zhou Mi pushed him against the bed's headboard; his body - hot and tingly - underneath the older male's and head resting against the said board. Their gazes met for a brief moment at close proximity; their faces were only inches away from each other.

"Now, will you say it?" Zhou Mi's voice was low, almost whispery-like against his ear and that his breath ghostly passed against his hot skin. Kyuhyun squirmed underneath him, trying to compose himself again but when the Chinese man was this close to him, well, he'd be having a hard time opening his mouth. "I was afraid you didn't feel the same way. But when I saw you looking at me during the party, I changed minds."

"You... you were watching me?"

"The whole time, Kui Xian. The whole time." Soft lips met sensitive skin and was grazed around, leaving heated marks on the earlobe, on the jawline, down to the neck until the Adam's Apple, giving it an eager nibble. Kyuhyun let out a sigh of pleasure and turned his head to one side, granting more access to his already exposed skin for Zhou Mi to kiss, lick and suckle at. "You're body says it but I want to hear it by words as well."

"You.. idiot. Then what were you doing with those girls earlier? You looked like you got ten happy Chinese girlfriends." The younger hitched a breathing when two hands found their way on his torso, to his chest, going down this abdomen. All the while he spoke, Zhou Mi continued leaving traces of kisses over his skin, lowering until he reached the chest area and gave one innocent nub a flick of his moist tongue then nipped on it. "Ah!"

Zhou Mi grinned a bit too wickedly after hearing a sharp intake of air from the male below him. "I had to, Kui Xian. I wanted to know if you love me like how I love you. Hey, you taste like strawberry."

"You're insane..." Kyuhyun made out after restraining to moan but failed when there was one mouth suckling too hard on his already rigid nub while a skillful hand traveling downwards to his slacks-covered thighs - got one a good kneading and groping.

"Oh, oh, oh only for you~"


"Where were you guys?! You missed the part when Henry-ah had to play his violin just to make those ladies stop pinching his cheeks! Look, see that red spots? Yeah, he got those after like, what, 15 pinches?" Donghae excitedly told; that amazed look on his face suggested that he had fun watching the same scenario Kyuhyun was looking at earlier. "Wait, where were you at again?"

"Kui Xian made a mess of his clothes. Just lent him one from my stuff." Zhou Mi explained in one breath, all too natural, and flashed one of his sunny smiles at the unsuspected Donghae. Donghae looked at his dongsaeng, Kyuhyun who was quiet again, like always, and nodded. With that, he bounced towards to the now second victim of cheek-pinching problem -- Ryeowook.

"Oh, not again..." Ryeowook's frown was evident but not persuasive enough to stop the Chinese ladies to squeal at his cuteness and yes, to pinch his already tomato-red cheeks. The next time, he and Henry needed Cheeks Protection Program or CPP from the management against these inhumane abuse.

Amidst the commotion and fun inside the noisy hall, one hand found another from behind and laced fingers together. Zhou Mi, at the corner of his eyes, smiled at the blushing Kyuhyun who was looking away from him.

Yeah, I love you too, Zhou Mi, you big nosed-buffoon.




A/N: ZOMG. I think I'm proud of this work! It's my first QMi and ever first shmut-ish! The whole scenario turned out longer than I originally planned plus the additional scenarios just came like POOF! when I was at the process of writing this! In any case, I do hope you enjoyed that little tease above there. Smut proved to be one of the challenges I'm planning to overcome one day! For now, do review! Or else those Chinese ladies will pinch your little cheeks! (*cough*Ihopeyou'rereadingthisJUWAN*cough)

PS. Fail!Chinese at one of the paragraphs there. Please forgive my fail awesomeness. *gets bricked*

PPS. Much thanks to
thundersquall for correcting my fail!Mandarin attempt. Thank you!

pairing: qmi, genre: yaoi/smut, subject: zhou mi, type: one-shot, genre: fluff, rating: pg-13, !fanfic, subject: kyuhyun, genre: shonen-ai/slash/bl/bromance, author: setsuna_k, !master post, genre: romance

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