[FIC] Cuteness Beyond Words: Donghae , ONE-SHOT

Aug 26, 2009 22:29

Just how exactly "cute beyond words" are the members of Super Junior? Read and find out!

Scenario 06: Donghae, the Gadget-Destroyer


One way or another, the thought of NOT LETTING DONGHAE TOUCH ANY OF OUR GADGETS slipped right out of our minds so easily. We had no idea why or how it happened. It just did, on one fine Sunday evening which we sometimes refer to movie nights at the 12th .

We remembered him asking each of us politely, with a slight hint of his infamous accent, “Yah, can I use your laptop? I want to check my cyworld.” or “I’ll just listen to some music. Lend me your IPOD, will you?”

And last but not the least - the latest, “Omo! My player won’t read my music CD! Can I take yours from your room and borrow it for a while?”

We nodded altogether, half-attentive of his requests and permissions because the movie on was too good to miss out, even for a second, and just waved him off.

After a minute, or probably more than an hour - because the movie got us too engrossed - that we finally realized the situation at hand.

“Oh, sho- that WAS Donghae, wasn’t it?”

“And did we just yes to him?”

Then all of us paled; the look on our faces could only be described in two words at the realization of leaving our beloved gadgets’ fate to Donghae’s destroying hands: OH NO’s and OH, CRAP NO’s.




Because our member, Lee Donghae, would always ALWAYS break borrowed things. This unusual phenomenon would forever be unexplainable, we decided a long time ago. As much as that sounded ridiculously exaggerated, we were telling the truth!

We scurried like a pack of rodents to Donghae’s room and barged in, half-wishing that he would spare our gadgets’ life from utter wreckage.

“What’s… going on?” Donghae sat up from his bed and stared with sheer wonder at the sight of us -11 guys. Yeah, we were complete!- cramping and wiggling at his door. Beside his bed was his desk  and the things we thought we lost for good were on top of it - the laptop, IPOD and player still intact, in one piece and functioning.

Well, that was… wrong. Really REALLY wrong. Something was definitely not right if our stuff were still functioning. This was Fishy were talking about, hey!


A/N: Gadget-Destroying Donghae left a wonderful place in my heart! How can one NOT LOVE that about him, hmm?

super junior, type: one-shot, rating: g, subject: donghae, genre: crack/drabble/random, !fanfic, author: setsuna_k, genre: humor/comedy

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