Title: I Was Your Princess Words: 350 Rating:PG Genre: Agnst Characters/Pairings: Russia, Anastasia Warnings: Past Deaths, Saddness Summary: From the kink meme. An AU where Russia meets Anastasia again.
Somehow, I couldn't stop picturing Anastasia's grandmother from the 20th century animated film hurr =_=;;.
The idea's interesting and Anastasia's reaction seems fitting and wise. Although I'd love this to be a tad longer, to clear a few things on Nastya's past or Ivan's introspective on the meeting, I still like it.
Comments 1
The idea's interesting and Anastasia's reaction seems fitting and wise. Although I'd love this to be a tad longer, to clear a few things on Nastya's past or Ivan's introspective on the meeting, I still like it.
Good job ;).
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