Gunshy - Masterpost

Jul 02, 2009 14:32

Author: setissma
Pairings: J2, with minor sides of JDM/Kristen Bell, JDM/Jensen, and Jared/Zach Quinto
Rating: R
Word count: 36,000
Warnings: Violence, trauma, torture. Nothing much worse than an episode of Bones, but just so everyone is aware!

Oh my god, a year later. This is a J2 AU based loosely off of Fox's Bones, although you definitely don't need to watch the show to read this. Please take a look at the introduction/glossary post before you read the rest of the fic; it doesn't contain any major spoilers, but it has some acronym definitions that will be helpful while reading!


Introduction/Glossary || Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4

fiction, rps, gunshy, spn, j2, supernatural

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