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Comments 5

adja999 July 3 2009, 16:51:02 UTC
Very, very interesting start. I like how you took your time building the dynamics of the team and the relationships they all share. Also, KB as Hodgins? awesome.

*rushes to next part*


blue_thundering July 10 2009, 22:11:32 UTC
Oof. It took me all week just to get started on this, and I'm so glad I took my time with it. Again, I don't watch the show so I'm relying entirely on your world-building, and... damn, setissma, it's rich. I love your dialogue, I'm madly in love with your juxtaposition of boardgames and insect sandwiches, long-term serial killers and snow-storm bonding, and the writing is just pitch-perfect all throughout.

"Rich" is indeed the right word for this piece, so I hope you don't mind that I'm going to take my sweet time dallying in the next three parts now -- I already don't want to leave this world of yours! Thank you so much for sharing this utter treat with us!


setissma July 11 2009, 00:25:10 UTC
I'm so glad you're enjoying it! <333! And definitely don't mind that you're taking your time. It's a fabulous compliment that you like it so much, and this comment has definitely made my evening. :*


electricalgwen October 22 2009, 01:18:49 UTC
"And this is why Kristen no longer stores arachnids in empty margarine containers," Jeff says, laughing.

Oh, I love this! Great dialogue, great mapping of these characters onto Bones, and really lovely pace and humor. I like Jared's progressive readjustments of his view of Jensen.

(My now-husband and I got similarly trapped at my apartment by a massive snowstorm one weekend; two days later we broke up with our respective partners and well, that was many years ago. *g* So that was a particularly nice little touch for me. :)


keerawa January 24 2011, 08:52:08 UTC
I'm really enjoying this! The characters on the team, and their relationships with each other, are great. i love that Jensen playing with Jared's dogs for the first time was what convinced him to start viewing Jensen as his partner.

And I always enjoy it when someone writes what they are passionate about.


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