Title: Good Intentions
alaana_fair and
bryoneybrynnPairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Word count: ~ 3500
Summary: Narcissa's Slytherin skills are working well when she ropes not only Harry, but Draco into helping out with the first Beltane festival after the war.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was created for fun, not
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Comments 33
Thanks ... glad you enjoyed it and found it amusing.
And I like how Narcissa just immediately started moving, right after they took Lucius away :P
Thanks. Glad you liked poor, tormented Snape. And yeah, I liked writing Narcissa's take-charge attitude in this one. :)
"IN fact, he was looking forward to it. He allowed a faint smile across his face and Harry locked onto his eyes like a suckling calf to a teat. Draco surprised himself by returning the stare ...
Yay! Thanks, hon. I enjoyed writing this Narcissa. And I do so enjoy tormenting Snape. :)
“You could be the most powerful wizard in the world, Draco, and I would still protect you. That's how it is for mothers. There's nothing you can say or do to change that." Such a mother's love, and so true.
"Yeah, he was," Potter agreed. "I don't know if you knew this, but my dad and godfather were pretty lousy to him, so he took that out on me. Still …" Potter went quiet and he frowned. "Still, everyone deserves better than that. If he couldn't have that in life, maybe he can in his afterlife." What a great and succinct way of summing up Harry and Professor Snape.
And finally this just cracked me up, so simple yet so telling.
Draco and Harry both laughed. "That was so cruel, I think I'm impressed," Draco said. "Who knew you had some Slytherin in you?"
"Well, I don't right now," Harry said, winking at Draco. "But I hope to later on!"
Oh, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading & commenting.
You're so sweet to try and go back and catch up after all this time. I would have just pushed it under the table and forgot about it.
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