They'll Never Know (AS/S, PG-13)

Feb 10, 2009 09:46

Aaaaaaaaaaaand ... it's another AS/S fic! Of a sort.

Title: They'll Never Know
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Albus Severus/Scorpius
Word Count: 750
Challenges: for drusillas_rain's birthday request of "Harry and Draco discovering AS/S are together and having to now get along". It also fits awdt's prompt of "I just want coffee".

Disclaimer: ( Read more... )

as/s, bday, bday gift 08

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Comments 28

lire_casander February 10 2009, 15:12:30 UTC
Hahahahaha, those two were bound to be friends in the end, with a little help of Firewhiskey!


sesheta_66 February 23 2009, 04:16:58 UTC
Hee. Hard not to become friends in this case. :)


faynia February 10 2009, 16:10:17 UTC
I sense much in the way of drunken pranks on their wives in the future. >.< Good times. *G*


sesheta_66 February 23 2009, 04:17:22 UTC
Hee. I think you're right. Silly women.


lijahlover February 10 2009, 17:20:20 UTC
This was brilliant!

Thank you!


sesheta_66 February 23 2009, 04:17:38 UTC
Hee. Glad you enjoyed it.


drusillas_rain February 10 2009, 19:25:36 UTC
omg, thank you - this couldn't have come at a better time!!! (seriously, it's been a shitty few days for me).

"I'll admit the only thing that prevented me from having one was the picture of you having one."
This made me laugh :D And the idea of Ginny and Astoria collaborating made me smile huge.

♥ ♥ ♥


sesheta_66 February 23 2009, 04:18:21 UTC
So sorry you've had a shitty time of things, hon. Glad I could cheer you up, even if only for a short while.

Things any better?


nolagal February 10 2009, 20:02:31 UTC
For some reason I misread the summary and was waiting for harry and draco to get it on. Slightly disappointed but this was so cute. I love Harry and Draco agreeing about the boys. And Ginny and Astoria getting along so well! Very cute!


sesheta_66 February 23 2009, 04:18:51 UTC
Heh. Sorry to disappoint, but no H/D this time around. Glad you enjoyed it anyway.


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