Your Move (H/D, PG-13)

Feb 05, 2009 01:00

Title: Your Move
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 330
Challenges: goddessriss's birthday request of "You can‘t leave it like that!" and awdt's prompt, "… and nothing happened."
Summary: Harry needs to step up and his friends need to shut up.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her ( Read more... )

bday, awdt, bday gift 08, h/d

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Comments 49

jamie2109 February 5 2009, 06:33:13 UTC
Yay! Go Draco! *kicks Harry* stupid arse.


sesheta_66 February 8 2009, 07:05:39 UTC
Yeah, Harry is quite the arse in this one. *smacks him upside the head*


lijahlover February 5 2009, 06:41:11 UTC
Yes go Draco but please come back to Harry! *Slaps* Harry upside the head!


sesheta_66 February 8 2009, 07:06:03 UTC
Harry deserved it. *nods*


piratesmile331 February 5 2009, 06:48:25 UTC
Harry needs to grow a set of balls, apparently. Will there be more of this? You need to make it all better, please.


sesheta_66 February 8 2009, 07:07:05 UTC
His Gryffindor courage apparently doesn't include standing up to his idiot friends. Grr.

I've already started a sequel.


svgurl February 5 2009, 06:56:01 UTC
Good for Draco! Harry was a totally insensitive ass and deserved worse than that. He has a lot of making up to do and I hope he stands up to his idiot friends. :\

Great work! :D

... )


sesheta_66 February 8 2009, 07:07:43 UTC
Yup, yup. Harry was definitely in the wrong here. And (obviously) his idiot friends.


goddessriss February 5 2009, 07:43:51 UTC
Oh, the angst! It kills me! ;-) Thank you so much for this.

Harry is stooopid. Good on you, Draco! A swift kick up the arse is what Harry needs!


sesheta_66 February 8 2009, 07:08:27 UTC
You are welcome.

Yup, yup. Harry's definitely being an arse.


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