Title: Meant To Be Together (Article 1/10)
sesheta_66 Rating: PG
Word Count: ~ 1160
Character: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy (HP/DM implied)
10_themes Prompt #03 - "City"
Summary: Witch Weekly has named Harry Potter as their Wizard of the Month for March 2008. They are running a series of ten articles to provide readers with a bit
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Comments 24
Great responses to Ron's question and it will be interesting to see how Harry responds to Draco's question.
Just to say that I'd love to read what you've done, there's something about my IE that won't let me display your picture in full. That is, I only get half a page, which means that its frustrating to see only the top half your story. I had the same problem with some of your Draco issues too. Is there a place where you might have it all in text? I understand you want to do it like a proper magazine article, but the format defeats my browser for some reason.
So sorry for the bother.
I don't believe it's your browser, just the way I have to post on LJ (unless someone wants to point out a better way to me). You just need to click it once to open the scrapbook. Then click it a second time to open it in a viewer. Then click it a third time to zoom in. Then you can use the arrow keys or the hand to 'drag' the image into view and read it.
Hope this helps! It should work with all the Ron and Draco fics as well. PLEASE let me know if it does/doesn't work for you. So far it worked for the few others that had a problem as well. And thanks for taking the time to let me know. (Imagine how horrible it would be if no one could read them). :o)
Unfortunately, that's what I did. Click the image 3 times. And all it displayed was half the page. I can see the top half of the image, but it refuses to display whatever's on the other half. No arrow keys to scroll at all. :( This only happened twice for me. One of the Draco chapters was like that (can't remember which), and now, this Harry chapter 1.
I won't be posting the text version each time, but will probably do one summary at the end of each set of ten that will include the text version, for anyone having trouble. Possibly after every few. Right now, because of all the fest fics I'm working on, I won't have time [I have to do a non-html version for the image, and it'll take a while to do both], but I did this one quickly. (Some of the html coding isn't there, so it's not as 'pretty' as I would like, but at least you'll be able to read it). Hope that helps.
So that's what Harry Potter looks like? Hehe, yum-o although I'm not sure about the lips, looks like he is wearing lipstick and of course I'd have liked him topless, hehe!
I saw something in the first sentence of the article that made me pause. It says "Harry Potter, our Wizard of the Month for February 2008." I thought February was Draco Malfoy, and Ron Weasley was January?
Anyway, keep up the good work!
Ah, yes ... the problem with not being an owner of PhotoShop. Once I see an error, I have to wait until June (who is six hours ahead in Spain) is able to read my plea for help, and fix just one little word. *sighs* It was correct in the header, but I missed it in the body, and can't fix it myself. (I was secretly hoping no one else would notice before it was fixed). But thanks for pointing it out - I'd have been horrified if it had been up for days like that.
I don't think I chose him so much as we had always been each other's. *swoons* what a beautiful line!
i'm loving the collaborative effort also! the cover by melmoe is amazing, and i love the article format.
I'm rather partial to that line myself. :)
I'm enjoying the collaborative effort too. These ladies possess talents in areas I do not, so it's wonderful to be able to 'package' it a certain way, despite not being artistic. :D
Ah, well, Harry will have the option not to answer it, if he so chooses.
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