Magical Vacation Plans (12/14 Valentine fics, updating A Different View) (H/D, 14+)

Feb 13, 2008 03:20

Title: Magical Vacation Plans (12/14 Valentine fics, updating A Different View)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: 14+
Word Count: 355
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco
Challenges: For AWDT's two weeks of Valentine quickies, prompt #12 - "Hot Love," and slythindor100's prompt 5 - "I would rather have three minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special ( Read more... )

valentine 08, awdt, different view, slythindor100, h/d

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Comments 26

piratesmile331 February 13 2008, 08:39:27 UTC
I love how they've gotten so that they can tease and laugh with one another. I think this is going to be one great vacation!


sesheta_66 February 13 2008, 14:10:12 UTC
I don't think it matters too much where they end up going ... it'll be wonderful. *sighs*


nocturnali February 13 2008, 12:02:33 UTC
...and we both have more money than the ship is worth!

I love the rich pureblood wizards. Their arrogance and hedonistic lifestyle is a wonderful playground.

Love the Heathen!/Snob! comments too.


sesheta_66 February 13 2008, 14:11:58 UTC
Hee - thanks. Yes, these characters provide a lot with which we can play.


sassy_cissa February 13 2008, 14:00:15 UTC
Oh Merlin! Last line love!!! ♥


sesheta_66 February 13 2008, 14:12:22 UTC
Thanks, hon. ♥


gurliemoviegeek February 13 2008, 14:16:12 UTC
So much lovliness from you this morning!
*dances with glee*

This entire series is brilliant, and I love the ease and comfort they're showing with one another now. Just squeezes my heart a little!

Thanks for the wonderful morning, darling!


sesheta_66 February 13 2008, 14:22:17 UTC
Heh. I'm trying to frantically catch up so I can work on my fest fics.

Thanks, hon. I'm enjoying writing this series too. Two more to go!

You're quite welcome. I hope you have a great day. *hugs*


kaykayen February 13 2008, 14:43:57 UTC
If it's a rise that you want out of me ... let your tongue work its magic. *sniggers* I think Harry just might be willing to comply!


sesheta_66 February 13 2008, 15:12:15 UTC
Heh. I'm pretty sure you're right on that!


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