Too Cute (H/D, PG-13)

Jan 30, 2008 12:04

Title: Too Cute
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 365
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco, Blaise
Challenge: For dracoluvah's birthday prompt of "I like them witty, charming, where a knowing look from one to another can convey their feelings that sometimes words can't. Fluffy endings." It also fits my GJ 100_prompts table #051 - "Thunder"
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bday, 100_prompts, bday gift 08, gift, h/d

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Comments 52

lijahlover January 30 2008, 17:59:00 UTC
Wicked Draco and Harry for teasing Blaise.
Mabye continue from there and they could eat in their room.LOL:D


sesheta_66 January 30 2008, 20:44:03 UTC


lijahlover January 30 2008, 20:57:18 UTC
I love your first comment cookies icon. Were did you find yours? Did someone make it for you?


sesheta_66 January 30 2008, 21:05:34 UTC
I went onto Photobucket and found several plates of cookies ... then I added the words. You are welcome to take it. No credit necessary.

I think there are better ones out there, but you can certainly scoop this one for now if you want it. :)


thrnbrooke January 30 2008, 19:11:52 UTC
Awww! Almost feel sorry for Blaise! Sooo love Draco and Harry!


sesheta_66 January 30 2008, 20:44:44 UTC
*grins* Everybody loves them. ♥


piratesmile331 January 30 2008, 20:34:16 UTC
Poor Blaise! It would be hard to outshine those two together...


sesheta_66 January 30 2008, 20:45:00 UTC
Most definitely. :)


enchanted_jae January 30 2008, 20:56:11 UTC
Yay for two too cute boys!


sesheta_66 January 30 2008, 21:03:58 UTC


tray_la_la January 30 2008, 21:00:58 UTC
so cute. i love good banter. and blaise ;)


sesheta_66 January 30 2008, 21:04:16 UTC
Thanks. :)


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