Life Without You (H/D, adult)

Sep 30, 2007 19:55

Title: Life Without You
Author: sesheta_66
Beta: softly_sweetly
Rating: Adult
Warning: Not DH compliant.
Challenge: For the_eros_affair's cheque - Harry to Draco: I promise to whisper sweet nothings in your ear.
Word Count: ~ 3725
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only. The author is not responsible for underage readers - this is an ADULT fic. Please note the age restrictions of your country. All characters portrayed are over the age of 18.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Don't give me that, Draco. I can tell when something's bothering you. C'mon," Harry nudged, "out with it."

"Well… it's not so much that something's bothering me …"

"So what is it then?"

"Well …" Draco's cheeks flushed.

"Draco," Harry said patiently, putting on a smile for good measure. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Yeah, but …"

Harry frowned. "But what? After everything we've been through, everything we've done together … I mean, we've been together for well over a year, and we've lived together for the past six months. Surely you aren't embarrassed to tell me how you're feeling?"

"Well, when you put it that way," Draco said, still looking apprehensive, "I suppose not."

Harry beamed. "Excellent. Talk."

"Well …" he began, his cheeks flushing again. "It's just that … well … you don't talk much. You know - when we - you know."

Harry suppressed a laugh. "You know?" he teased. "You mean sex?" The blonde nodded. "Merlin, Draco, after all the places, positions and - well kinks, we've explored, you say 'you know'? You can't even say it?"

Draco fixed him with a glare that would have anyone else cowering away in fear. "Fine. I'll say it. You don't talk much during sex."

Harry furrowed his brows in confusion. "Sure I do!" he said defensively. "I mean, neither one of us is all that good at keeping quiet, are we?"

"That's not what I mean." Harry looked even more confused. "What I mean," Draco said slowly, "is that you don't talk to me. You know, like --"

"Like talking dirty?" Harry suggested.

"Well, yes … only more than that. You know … compliments, and --"

This time Harry was unable to hold back as he let out a snort. "You sound like such a girl!" he said with a soft laugh.

No sooner had the words left his mouth than he knew he had said the wrong thing. He was in trouble. Draco's glare turned menacing, and just as Harry reached out for him, he pulled back and Apparated with a loud 'crack'.

"Oh, shit!" Harry groaned, knowing that he was going to pay dearly for that comment later.

Two days later, Harry was beside himself with worry. Not about Draco, because he knew that his boyfriend was okay. He had been at work at the Ministry each day, but since they worked in different departments, Harry had only seen him in passing. The only acknowledgement that Draco had given of Harry's existence was an occasional glare.

He hadn't spoken to Harry, nor had he answered any of his owls or interoffice memos, sending them back unopened. Harry had even tried Floo calling Draco's office, only to discover that he had cut off access to his office fire. Whether it was just to Harry, he didn't know. He wasn't about to discuss his current situation with anyone, figuring he would only make things worse with Draco if he chose to discuss their sex life with his friends.

Two days turned into a week, which turned into ten days, and still Draco had not spoken to Harry. People at work were starting to ask what was wrong, and if they had broken up. Harry had answered with a quick and resounding "no" every time he was asked, but each time felt more false. Had they broken up? Had Draco left for good? Was this it? Had Harry screwed up so badly that there was no turning back?

Harry went home for the twelfth night without Draco feeling immeasurably distraught. He needed to do something. He needed a plan of attack. And 'attack' was exactly what he needed to do. He needed to launch an offensive on his boyfriend, the likes of which he had never seen before.

He would get him from all angles, ensuring that Draco would have to fight against all his senses to resist. Harry would be relentless, shrewd and cunning. Drawing a deep breath, he decided to call on his Slytherin side to take over the planning of the operation. Come Monday, when Harry knew his boyfriend was going to be in the office all day long, Draco wouldn't know what hit him.

Draco arrived at his office Monday morning to find his desk covered. The scent of freshly cut flowers wafted into the hallway. There was a breakfast tray beside the desk, complete with his favourite waffles with strawberries and cream, fresh fruit and coffee. His mouth watered in appreciation.

As Draco took his seat, he noticed a package that looked suspiciously like something Harry would have sent. He pushed it aside, and at once it opened, the contents of it flying out, and leaving the desk littered with photographs. Pictures of him and Harry from their school days. Frowning, he wasn't sure why Harry would send him those - they hated each other back then. Then again, Harry did look quite fine in his Quidditch robes, even if they were Gryffindor scarlet and gold.

Unable to resist, Draco closed his office door and sat down to eat and look at the photographs.

A short while later, as he set aside his plate (it really had been a delicious breakfast) and poured himself a second cup of coffee, the photographs on the desk shimmered, lifted off the desk, and swirled around gently. As they landed back on the desk top, Draco noticed that they had changed. Now there were pictures of the two of them right after school, after the war. Pictures of them at a time when they had finally put aside all the past and had begun to heal. They were friends. Draco couldn't help but smile at the memories. They were … comforting.

Shaking aside the feeling, he called upon his anger. He was still annoyed with Harry. First, his boyfriend had the nerve to insist that he talk about what he had been feeling, as though Draco could actually trust him. Then he had the audacity to laugh -laugh at him, as though his feelings didn't matter. Then to top it all off, he called Draco a girl! His hands began to shake with fury as he remembered the feeling - like a knife puncturing his heart. He had finally trusted someone enough to tell him how he felt, and it had been thrown back in his face. It may not have been something of emotionally deep proportions, but it had still hurt.

Waving his wand, he tried to vanish the pictures, but they wouldn't disappear. He tried several spells to get rid of them, but nothing seemed to work. In frustration, he swept the lot of them off his desk with his hands, not caring about the messy pile on the floor. Then he set out to get some work done.

About ten minutes in, his attempt at doing something constructive was interrupted. Once again the pictures shimmered, levitated and swirled around, again landing on the desk to reveal a new set of images. This time, they were pictures of the time when he and Harry had just moved past being friends, and had started dating. There were pictures of them walking hand-in-hand, gazing at each other when they thought the other one wasn't looking, and occasionally stealing a kiss. Draco felt a weight on his chest, and his throat was constricted by the emotion the images brought back. They looked so happy. They had been so happy.

As Draco made to sweep this batch of pictures from his desk, he caught a glimpse of himself reaching out and grabbing Harry, pulling him in for a searing kiss. That had been their first kiss. How did Harry get all these pictures? How was this even possible? Draco swallowed hard, and got up to leave his office to get some air. Only the office door wouldn't open. He tried Apparating, but that wouldn't work either. Even his fire wasn't responding to Floo Powder. He was locked in his office! What the fuck?!

As he began pacing like a caged animal - which he was, damn it! - the pictures lifted up again. Unable to resist the curiosity that crept up inside him, despite his frustration at his current predicament, Draco looked down to see them. This time the pictures had captions on them. Every time either he or Harry spoke to one another, a caption appeared at the bottom. It was almost like watching a Muggle silent movie. Draco grinned as he recalled Harry convincing him to watch one, and Harry's child-like excitement when Draco had agreed.

Shaking the memory away, he focused on the moving pictures of him and Harry. The two of them on their first trip away together, a trip to Spain. Then the two of them in France. Then Germany. He watched his photographic self explaining the great wizarding history of the areas, and the photographic Harry adding in some Muggle history. He blinked at the memories, determined not to get emotional. He was so enamoured with this set of pictures that he watched them until they too rose and shimmered, to be replaced with one lone image on all the photographs.

The two of them kissing softly, slowly savouring the taste of each other, exploring with their tongues like there was nothing in the world more important. They broke apart, smiling, gazing lovingly into each other's eyes. He watched as the Harry in the photo mouthed "I love you," and the photo Draco's face lit up in surprise and unmistakable joy.

"Oh, God," Draco said to his empty office. "That was the first time he ever … wow!" he reminisced aloud. He had forgotten the feeling of elation that first time he had heard Harry say those words to him. He wasn't sure at the time if he ever would, if he, Draco, even deserved to have Harry Potter love him. But love him he did. The photograph replayed the moment over and over again, and Draco was mesmerized by the image before him, bowled over by the emotion bubbling up inside him, threatening to burst at any moment.

When these photographs shimmered, Draco found himself calling out, "No!" and trying to rescue one from the spell, but it was no use. They were gone, and were replaced by … "Guh!" Draco managed to croak as the new images appeared before him. Already aroused by the tenderness and love that he felt for Harry after watching the last photo, Draco had to grasp hold of the edge of his desk to watch, as his legs were threatening to give out. His mouth went dry, and a flush washed over him as his entire body - most notably his rock-hard erection - responded to the moving images before him.

He and Harry in bed, in the shower, on the floor, on the stairs, in the kitchen, by the fire … on and on the pictures went. Hands, tongues, lips exploring bodies, limbs intertwined. It was a barrage of erotic photographs that raised Draco's heart rate, in memory as well as anticipation. He could practically taste Harry as he watched the image of himself swallow the other man's cock, eliciting a mind-blowing moan of pleasure from Harry. He was close to coming from the sight of Harry's cock entering him over and over and over again, while his image was mewling with pleasure. He had never seen his own pleasure from this angle before, and it was intoxicating. Watching Harry, out of his mind in ecstasy, was even more enthralling. He loved this man, wanted this man, with everything he had in him.

Then, as with the other photographs, this batch rose up in the air and spun around, only this time the whole lot of them vanished, to be replaced by one small package, about the size of a shoe box.

Draco, hands shaky, removed a scroll of parchment from the package and read it. 'Put on the hat,' was all it said. Furrowing his brows together in frustration, he opened the package. Sure enough, it contained a hat. Draco hesitated, thinking that it looked suspiciously like a product that might come from Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes. Knowing that Harry wouldn't dream of playing a practical joke on him - at least not when he was already in trouble - Draco put the hat on his head.

At once, his body was awash with sensations. A coolness travelled over him, from the hat down the length of his body, not unlike the sensation of having a Disillusionment Charm cast on you.

"Welcome to your daydream, Draco," came Harry's words whispered in his ear. He shivered at the feeling of Harry's warm breath in his ear, only when he reached back, Harry wasn't there. He turned to look around his office, but he was the only one there. No Harry, no anyone. He didn't even try to hide his disappointment.

He shivered as he felt Harry's tongue lick a slow path along his jaw and down his neck, pausing to nibble at the sensitive skin, sending pulses straight to his groin. "Oh, God!" he groaned as his already over-sensitised body responded to the touch he knew to be Harry's. If he closed his eyes, he could picture Harry standing before him. The only thing reminding him that Harry wasn't there was the infuriating fact that he couldn't touch him in return, his hands repeatedly grasping at air every time he tried. But this didn't stop his body from responding.

It had been so long since he had felt Harry's touch, kissed those lips, licked and tasted every part of him that he could. It was no use. Draco couldn't deny it any longer, as his body ached for Harry's.

He drew in a sharp breath as he felt Harry's hands on his body, caressing his face, tickling his neck, massaging his shoulders, and … oh, God. Draco barely made his way over to the small sofa in his office without crying out with delight as Harry's hands brushed over his sensitive nipples. He cast a quick Silencing Charm before tossing aside his wand and settling in to enjoy this … daydream.

He lay back and closed his eyes, all the better to enjoy the feel of Harry's hands, Harry's lips, Harry's tongue touching, teasing … loving him.

As he lay there, he realized that not only could he feel Harry, but he could smell him too. The unique scent that was Harry. The scent that drove Draco wild. The scent that he missed so terribly that he ached from its absence. The scent that threatened to push him over the edge, even before ...

"Holy hell, Harry!" he screamed as he felt Harry's hands grasp his cock, then his mouth descend and take Draco's full length into its moist warmth. Then Harry hummed and swallowed, and Draco was writhing, panting in ecstasy, clutching the sofa cushions for leverage, as Harry's tongue trailed his length before his mouth engulfed him again. Harry was relentless, wriggling his tongue as he withdrew, swiping and licking the head, teasing the slit, then drawing him in again, humming as he swallowed.

It only took a few more strokes before Draco was screaming Harry's name through his orgasm. As his breathing returned to normal, the daydream faded and Draco was once more aware of his surroundings.

Picking up his wand and scrunching his nose at the mess in his trousers - the daydream hadn't actually caused his clothes to be removed - he cast a cleaning spell on himself and made his way shakily to his desk and removed the hat.

He picked up the letter to see that, like the photographs earlier, it had changed. Now it said, 'Forgive me for my thoughtlessness. Enclosed please find partial reparations.' At the bottom of the box lay a cheque. It was made out to Draco Malfoy, but instead of an amount, it said, "I promise to whisper sweet nothings in your ear."

Smiling, Draco packed up his desk for the day, knowing full well that he wouldn't be getting any work done, and Apparated home.

Finding himself exactly where he knew he belonged, he breathed in the familiar scents of home. Startled by warm arms around him and an even warmer body pressed up against him from behind, Draco reached back to be sure this wasn't another daydream. Relief and joy washed over him as he felt Harry's body beneath his hands, in his grasp.

"I'm so sorry, Draco," Harry whispered in his ear. "I didn't think. I never meant to hurt you, and I didn't mean --"

"I know," Draco replied, pressing back and squirming just so, the way Harry always liked.

"Mmm," Harry groaned, grasping Draco's hips and pressing his own growing erection over Draco's wriggling arse cheeks. "Missed you," he growled, playfully nipping at Draco's neck.

Draco let out a sigh of pleasure. "Missed you too."

"Am I forgiven?" Harry asked tentatively, now nuzzling into Draco's neck and pulling his body closer to his own.

"I'm not a girl, you know!" Draco admonished.

Harry's hands made their way down Draco's chest, grazing his nipples, then caressing his stomach, before reaching the waistband of Draco's trousers. He made short work of undoing them and reaching in to ...

"Oh, yes!"

"Mmm ... so I see," Harry said, stroking Draco's length slowly, lovingly.

Draco whimpered as the real Harry brought him to full hardness.

"So did you like the package I sent you?" Harry asked as he guided them towards the bedroom.

"Mm-hmm. How did you get those pictures, by the way?" Draco asked.

"Colin Creevey," Harry replied matter-of-factly.

Draco's body stiffened and he pulled out of Harry's arms and turned to face him, a dangerous look in his eyes. "Colin … Creevey? What the hell?! He's been following us around, taking all those pictures of us? Where is he? I'm going to kill him!" Draco bellowed, suddenly enraged.

"No, no!" Harry interrupted his rant, reaching out to place calming hands on Draco's shoulders. "Colin didn't take the pictures. He couldn't very well have, now could he?" Harry reasoned. "Some of them were very … intimate. He's never been close enough to do that. He just showed me how to produce them from my own memories. He's invented this way to use an object similar to a Pensieve to temporarily hold a memory, and then he extracts a copy onto photo paper, producing moving images of your actual memories. Pretty cool, huh?"

"Wow! That's impressive."

"Mm-hmm," Harry said grinning. "But what's more impressive is that you're here. Back home. Where you belong."

"With you?"

"Definitely. Now come here you," Harry said as he grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him closer. "Where were we?" He smiled at his boyfriend, giving him the most predatory look before descending upon his lips passionately, and Draco was reminded of the first time Harry had told him that he loved him. Smiling into the kiss, Draco knew he was home. As they broke apart, Harry gazed into his eyes as he had in that photograph, only this time he said, "I believe you have a cheque to cash in."

Draco nodded excitedly, and went to get it, but was stopped by the tug of Harry's hand on his arm. Pulling him into a warm embrace, Harry whispered into his ear, "I know you're good for it, Draco. I've waited too long already to have you back here."

Draco nodded his agreement, and Harry began to nibble at his ear. "I missed you, gorgeous," Harry breathed into his ear, and Draco shuddered. "I missed being able to see your breathtaking smile." Harry kissed along Draco's jaw to the corner of his mouth, where he tickled him with his tongue. "I missed hearing your sexy voice, which never fails to send chills up and down my spine." He licked a path around Draco's lips until they opened to grant him access, then softly kissed him, infusing the swirls of his tongue with the love he felt. "I missed the smell, the taste, the feel of you, Draco." He kissed him again, this time with a little less restraint. "Don't ever leave me again," he begged, as his hands caressed his lover's back, then threaded through his silky blonde hair.

Draco, unable to trust his ability to speak over the surge of emotion he was feeling, simply pulled Harry's lips to his own, returning his kisses and caresses with fervour. They slowly undressed each other, painting trails of kisses along the newly exposed skin as they went. As Harry tossed Draco's pants into a pile on the floor, he pulled back, letting out a sigh of appreciation.

"Do you know what the mere sight of you does to me?" Harry asked. "You are so beautiful, so unbelievably gorgeous that it takes my breath away."

Draco's insides did a flip in response to Harry's words. But more than what he was saying was the look in his eyes. The love that was reflected there meant more to Draco than anything he ever thought possible.

"Not an hour goes by in a day that I don't think of you, Draco." Harry's deep emerald eyes were shining brightly and piercing Draco's, making him feel as though he were seeing inside Harry's soul. And what he saw there took Draco's breath away.

"I love you so much that it hurts to be apart from you," Harry continued. "I can't imagine my life without you in it. I can't ever go through another two weeks like this again, Draco, not knowing if you'd ever come home."

Draco was about to say something, but Harry cut him off with a passionate kiss. His tongue explored Draco's lips, his mouth, his jaw, and then traced the same path as he had in the daydream earlier that day. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Draco made a note to ask Harry how he did that. Later. For now he was enjoying the sensations of earlier, only this was so much better, because Draco knew he had the real thing there with him. Grasping Harry's hair to pull him in for a searing kiss, Draco knew he could never live without this, without Harry, ever again.

* Thanks to the wonderful winter_june for creating this awesome pic!



eros affair, nc17, h/d

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