Crossing the Line (H/D, PG)

Feb 15, 2008 00:40

Title: Crossing the Line
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG
Word Count: 400
Challenges: dracoharry100's prompt #56 - "Betrayal," and hd100's prompt of "heart". It also fits the slythindor100 prompt #3 - a picture of wedding rings, and the awdt Valentine's Quickie prompt #14 - "I think I love you."
Summary: Where does the line cross into betrayal?
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

I stand at the storefront and see the rings, innocently placed, and I begin to wonder. I play with my own ring, thinking of what it represents, the bond between my wife and me, the commitment I made, the lifetime in which I must live up to it.

I recall with joy the day I said my vows. With all my heart, I meant them. And yet now they weigh heavily upon me. It has not been so very long, and there is so much life ahead of me. The weight begins to crush me until I have trouble breathing.


When did lust and passion turned into acceptance and friendship? It pains me that I cannot pinpoint it. There was no flip of a switch that stopped the flow of life through this relationship. It just faded. I find myself still loving but not in love. Still caring but not as deeply as I should. Still wanting to do what's right, but saddened by what that means.

When does desire become betrayal? Is there such a thing as a definitive line drawn, or is it murkier than that? In matters of the heart, when is anything ever black and white?


To say that I think of you is the truth. But is it betrayal? When I dream of you, thoughts enter my mind, unbidden, so how can I control them? How can I control my reaction when I am not awake? I cannot. I pledged my heart to another, yet now I dream of you. I dream of your smell, your touch, your taste. I crave you.

I awake aroused, and I remember. The thoughts that crowd my mind are memories of us together, but they are not real. But if I think them, does that not make them real?


Now that I'm awake, I push aside my desire, but there is a war raging inside me. My emotions betray me, and I cannot stop them. Everything I do reminds me of you.

I remember the real you, the fights we had, the way I felt so alive around you.

I remember the dream you, the way you taste, the way you feel, the passion that flows through me.

With every day that passes, I am that much closer to acting. That much closer to crossing the line. But in my heart, I already have.

I think I love you.


hd100, awdt, slythindor100, dracoharry100, h/d

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