All in a Look - Part 10 of A Different View

Dec 19, 2007 11:40

Title: All in a Look (10/15 of A Different View)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG
Word Count: 646
Pairing/Characters: Harry, Draco
Challenges: AWDT's prompt #10 "Bah, Humbug," harrylovesdraco's "Something to do with Christmas," and my GJ 100_prompts entry #077 - "orange".
Summary: Draco shares something meaningful and discovers something wonderful.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

To see all parts of A Different View, click here.

Draco had, once again, acted on a whim where Harry was concerned. He had picked up those Christmas balls as a peace offering of sorts, and a friendship - one he had always longed for, if he was truthful with himself - had blossomed from there. Just weeks ago he had been facing the holidays with rather a Bah, Humbug attitude, but now? Now he had a different view of the season. Now he found himself leading the way outside to go for a walk in the gardens of Malfoy Manor with his new best friend.

He'd had no choice in the matter, really. The wistful way Harry had said, "It sounds perfect," after Draco had described the grounds had tugged at Draco's heart. When exactly had he developed this ... this ... sweet side? Merlin's balls, he was channelling a Hufflepuff!

He knew that Harry was apprehensive about being here, so he wanted to get him outside as soon as possible. It had nothing whatsoever to do with wanting to spend time alone with Harry while walking around the picturesque estate.

Draco knew that apprehensive feeling all too well. He too had been afraid of entering his own home, the only home he had ever known, the place he loved almost as much as his family. But he'd been determined. He couldn't let Voldemort win. Instead, they'd erased all traces of the madman, redecorated (keeping the heirlooms, but relocating them throughout the manor), and created new memories.

Draco wanted to help Harry erase evidence of the past and create new memories too. He still felt a lot of guilt over what had happened, and he wasn't nearly done making reparations, court ordered or otherwise. Besides, he and Harry were friends now. As he looked back at his new friend, Draco noticed that he looked nervous. Draco had the inexplicable urge to take him in his arms and tell him he'd be okay.

Shaking off that wayward thought, Draco led the way outside and into his most favourite part of the grounds, the gardens. As he thought about it, he realized that he had never shared this part of himself with anyone. Sure, when he was a child, he and his friends would play out here, but he had always done his winter reflecting alone. Not even his mother had ever gone with him.

"Wow!" Harry exclaimed. "You weren't kidding."

Draco was both relieved and delighted at Harry's words. "Wait until you see the gardens," he said, leading the way through the hedgerow.

He heard Harry gasp, and his insides did a little flip. "These," Draco said, spreading his arms and swinging them round, "are the Malfoy gardens."

"It's breathtaking," Harry said.

It's not the only thing, Draco thought, as he took in Harry's look of child-like wonder.

Draco showed him the different gardens, describing the various flora and fauna, until he noticed how low the sun was in the sky. "I didn't realize it was getting so late," Draco said.

"Are you cold?" Harry asked. "Did you want to head back?"

"Soon. But if you don't mind, I'd like to stay to see the sunset. It's a truly spectacular sight to behold."

Draco watched the sun disappear behind the horizon, and the flood of colour blanket the ground. He watched Harry out of the corner of his eye, and noticed the way his bronze skin looked ever darker in the diminishing sunlight, and the way the green of his eyes reflected the dancing flecks of orange and red.

"I don't think I've ever seen anything so beautiful in all my life," Harry said.

Draco thought he detected something in the way Harry had looked at him as he'd said that. He hoped, but didn't want to read too much into it. Looking deeply into Harry's green eyes, Draco smiled. "I couldn't agree more."

Part 10B - A Mother's Eye


100_prompts, awdt, different view, harrylovesdraco, h/d

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