Title: You are Number Six Fandom: The Prisoner, Battlestar Galactica Rating: G Warnings: crossover Also posted: jani_s crossoverfic community Summary: Short scene. The Sixes meet.
Yay! See? Not all fic is scary at all. I will convert the world.
My favorite conversion: I made a friend at Oxford in my first week who is not the kind of person who regularly gets into fanfic. I knew that, but I gave my spiel on the beauties and joys anyway, because I like to share the love of my hobby. Anyway, midsemester: it's 3am and I'm plastered when I hit on the brilliant idea of knocking on his door to say "hi". No worries. He was still awake. He should've been working on his thesis, but he'd gotten wrapped up in some madly long epic fic and told himself he'd only read two chapters that night . . . mmmhmmmm . . .
You aren't going to win me over to fic in general, but short/hilarious parody style stuff doesn't is ok. Strictly speaking, that doesn't count as "fic" to me. Something that takes itself seriously as cannon isn't my idea of a good time, but something that's just out to play with what's there? That's cool.
Short fic. Alternate Universes. Crossovers that would never happen. They're all fanfic. If you've heard otherwise, you've been lied to. In fact, there's been a recent trend towards stuff with titles like "5 Things Mal Reynolds Never Did" which'll be 5 disjointed stories much like this all about Mal.
Wow, my friend. If you like this sort of thing. You've been missing out!
What is "fanfic" but fictious stuff happening with characters from the pop culture canon? All fic is considered unofficial. Whether it's long or short; serious or funny; no one thinks it counts for anything.
'Course, three hundred years from now, researchers unearthing an archive may assume that fanfic is the real deal and that the source material is simply part of the folkloric base. (Which child ballad was that again?)
Comments 11
My favorite conversion:
I made a friend at Oxford in my first week who is not the kind of person who regularly gets into fanfic. I knew that, but I gave my spiel on the beauties and joys anyway, because I like to share the love of my hobby. Anyway, midsemester: it's 3am and I'm plastered when I hit on the brilliant idea of knocking on his door to say "hi". No worries. He was still awake. He should've been working on his thesis, but he'd gotten wrapped up in some madly long epic fic and told himself he'd only read two chapters that night . . . mmmhmmmm . . .
Short fic. Alternate Universes. Crossovers that would never happen. They're all fanfic. If you've heard otherwise, you've been lied to. In fact, there's been a recent trend towards stuff with titles like "5 Things Mal Reynolds Never Did" which'll be 5 disjointed stories much like this all about Mal.
Wow, my friend. If you like this sort of thing. You've been missing out!
What is "fanfic" but fictious stuff happening with characters from the pop culture canon? All fic is considered unofficial. Whether it's long or short; serious or funny; no one thinks it counts for anything.
'Course, three hundred years from now, researchers unearthing an archive may assume that fanfic is the real deal and that the source material is simply part of the folkloric base. (Which child ballad was that again?)
[mostly as I have only ever had glimpses of either of the fandoms/concepts in this, still quite lovely I must say]
but do you MSN??
Add the saiya at the mystickyromance.at.hotmail.com, then we can do the talk thing with no phones.
[I am getting to replying to those comments btw, just seems like it will take so much time, worried that I will collapse half way through.]
[You may be slow on answering comments. I'm slow at things like phones and IMs.]
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