New Vid: Sarah Connor Chronicles, 'Paris Is Burning'

Mar 18, 2008 03:01

Sober now. (Well, unless you count the cherry-filled-chocolate high I'm riding. Whee!)

Paris Is Burning
Source: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Music: St. Vincent, 'Paris Is Burning'
Summary: this show is shiny. I like it. La la la... *twirls* ...rain-of-blood-and-toads.
Details: 22.65 MB | .wmv
Spoilers: through the end of s1
Download: Right click, save as.
Streaming: YouTube

Thanks to svmadelyn, who is more awesome than that one word can fully express, for hosting this vid before it found a permanent home. :)


In other news, I gave blood today, and learned (or was reminded of) three things:

1) Monday at 5ish is The Right Time for this activity, because no one else makes appointments at that time. I didn't have to spend any time at all in those uncomfortable waiting room chairs! Yay!

2) Monday at 5ish is when the screener (person who does the finger-stick iron test) is a cute guy who will flirt and talk about his love for brainless movies. I must. Remember. This. *makes note*

3) When the nurse manages to hit the sweet spot in my vein that bleeds me out in just over four minutes, the site of the needle-stick hurts like a motherfucker afterwards. Ow.
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