Nov 03, 2014 18:59

Author/Artist: iwao
Glomp For: savoy61
Title: Willingly Given
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-15
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): A smidgeon of blood
Epilogue compliant? I don't think so.
Author's/Artist's Notes: Dear savoy61: Your prompt ( Read more... )

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Comments 66

capitu November 4 2014, 11:46:49 UTC
So beautiful. .God, Draco's torso is absolutely beautiful, the way his head is thrown back, resting against Harry, holding him, he casual stance, giving himself to Harry, I love his clothes, Harry's, his shirt half done, the way he's holding Draco.

It's like he's not "holding" him, just gently holding them, I can image how warm he feels to Harry, how good he smells to him, and how very good Draco feels.

I love the touch of colour. And damnit, that leg, nearly wrapping himself around Draco, so sexy! This is gorgeous and I love it.


iwao November 4 2014, 22:27:58 UTC
Thanks florecilla. You always leave teh best comments! :D

And Lulu is working on Erised! :D :D :D *snuggles*


sophie_french November 4 2014, 12:02:55 UTC
This is a beautiful drawing! Draco's body is just wonderful, man that chest, that stomach, those muscles and bloody hell his hand in his trousers!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ I also love his face, so peaceful and abandoned, it's so beautiful!

I love the fact that Harry humps him, and that you can clearly see he's hard through his trousers, arghhh!!!

Great job, sweetie! ♥


iwao November 4 2014, 22:29:57 UTC
HAHAHAHA! I don't know how I managed it but when I was scrolling down I glanced at this comment and I swear I thought the last sentence said "get a job, sweetie"!!! LOLOLOL!!!! *weeps tears of mirth*

Thanks amor. Love you!


re: Willingly Given vaysh November 4 2014, 14:19:37 UTC
This is stunning. It is not only the obvious - Draco's gorgeously sculpted body, his posture of haughty submission, and Harry's intense desire. There is something in the way they hold each other that shows both their personalities, and that they are human and Vampire. Capitu already mentioned how Harry is both holding and not holding Draco, and to me it seems Harry is actually holding himself apart from Draco, whereas Draco's strong left arm is pressing Harry towards him. It's such an intriguing posture for a Vampire who is reluctant to give in to his desire and a human who gives himself over willingly. I love your vampire!Harry - partly, I think, because of the way you (or his Vampire nature) tamed his hair, and partly because of his sheer need, for blood and sexual, that practically leaps from the computer screen. Awesomely done.


Re: Willingly Given iwao November 4 2014, 22:36:45 UTC
Aww, thanks Vaysh! the problem with Harry's hair is that I can't get it right EVER! Draco's is soooo much easier to draw! So I just gave up and had it all nice and tamed, cos I just can't! :P But thanks, I had fun drawing this and I'm happy you think it works! *huggles you muchly*


Re: Willingly Given savoy61 November 6 2014, 06:20:26 UTC
Harry's hair is perfect. Well, the entire thing is perfect.


Re: Willingly Given iwao November 6 2014, 22:42:02 UTC
Yeah, that's kinda the problem. It's not supposed to be perfect, it's supposed to be a messy moooop! *wails*


this_bloody_cat November 4 2014, 14:45:54 UTC
This is gorgeous! Love how light Draco is, how he seems to shine! ♥


iwao November 4 2014, 22:38:35 UTC
He does, doesn't he? D: You don't think this is really a Twilight crossover, do you? I hadn't noticed before! D:

Thanks amorcito! ♥♥♥


tryslora November 4 2014, 22:39:38 UTC
Oh my goodness, that is gorgeous.


iwao November 5 2014, 12:02:39 UTC
Thank you, bebé! :D ♥♥


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