Fic: It Had To Be You (Carlos/Harry) PG

Jul 21, 2010 19:43

Fandom: Power Rangers/Star Trek: Voyager
Title: It Had To Be You
Theme: Chocolate
Pairing/Characters: Carlos/Harry Kim
Rating: PG
Disclaimer/claimer: I have no claim to the power rangers series, characters or anything else recognisable as being a part of the power rangers concept. There is no money being made from this work of fiction.
Notes: Even at the other end of the will always find you.

Carlos stood alone in darkness, gazing at the stars and planets that passed his window. Vaguely, he wondered if he should be recording some of this for Justin. He could imagine the lecture his friend would be giving him if he showed up empty handed. The same lecture he’d imagined for the past three weeks. But he was too tired to move right now. It would just have to wait.

The room’s comforting silence was broken, as muted tones announced that someone was at the door to his quarters.

“Yes?” he called without looking up.

“It’s me,” answered a familiar voice. “Can I come in?” The Hispanic man rolled his eyes. Harry Kim; had to be, didn’t it? He paused a moment, trying to decide whether or not he wanted the company right now, before realizing he couldn’t risk alienating himself from another crew member if he was to be stuck here for the unforeseen future.

“Come in,” he finally said, turning to face his guest as the door glided open at the automated command. The young ensign was standing hesitant on the other side, a steaming cup in each hand.

“I heard what happened,” Harry started, still hovering uncertainly in the doorway, “I’m sorry I forgot to warn you. B’Elanna can be a little hard to handle when you’re not used to her.” Carlos threw him a dirty look. “Okay, very; she’s very hard to handle when you’re not used to her. But she’s actually not all that bad once you get to know her,” he added loyally. “Anyway, I was just passing, and I thought maybe you’d like some chocolate?” He lifted one of the cups, perhaps as evidence of his intentions.

Eyes lighting on the vessel as if it were the Holy Grail, Carlos realized that chocolate would indeed make his day a little more bearable. The only catch was that there were two cups. Harry obviously intended to join him, maybe commiserate over his spectacular failure on his first day in engineering.

Well, if there was someone who, for some inexplicable reason, wanted to hang out with him after today’s embarrassing escapade, he might as well make the most of it. Accepting the cup, Carlos raised it to his lips.

And then he stopped, contemplating Harry as if suddenly seeing him in a new light.

“You used your replicator rations for this?” He asked, as the implication finally registered. Guiltily, Harry lowered his gaze to the cup in his hands. Ah, one of Nelix’s brews then.

To show that he appreciated the gesture anyway, Carlos blew on his drink and took a sip.

It…wasn’t half bad.


He was up late the following morning, and because of his hurry to get ready for his next shift in engineering, Carlos didn’t hear when the door to his quarters slid open. He did however hear the lock indicator chime as they closed behind his uninvited guest, and ran to investigate.

A small package had been left on the table beside the door.

Opening it out, he gasped as the contents were revealed to him; four whole squares of chocolate. Harry; had to be.

Maybe his stay on Voyager was going to be bearable after all.

carlos/harry, 5trueloves, carlos, fic, challenges

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