Fic: Happily Expecting Puppies (Jack/Sky) G

Jan 30, 2009 22:24

Disclaimer: I don't own the power rangers characters or concepts and no money is being made from this fic.
A/N: A quick snapshot of Jack/Sky post series. Written for lilyleia78  with a little inspiration from scifislasher (you'll see where!)

Scooping up his comic book and tucking it under his arm, Jack picked up the plate of toast he had just prepared and carried it into the front room.

“I didn’t say never; just not now” Sky was saying; and he understandably sounded a little exasperated, as he tried for the thousandth time to explain to the blue ranger why a litter of robotic puppies was just not acceptable in their tiny new apartment. “The building has a ‘no pet’ rule,” he lamely offered as an excuse when Jack glared at him.  They both knew the red ranger just didn’t want to have another apartment filled with Bridge’s experiments.

Putting the plate of buttered toast on the low coffee table beside Bridge, Jack swatted Sky with his comic until the blond moved over to make room on the couch and then settled down to read until dinner was ready, keeping half an ear to the he conversation going on beside him.

Once it became clear that there wasn’t going to be a fast resolution to the issue however, Jack irritably snapped out “Oh hell Sky, stop being such a stick in the mud.  Bridge, we’ll be happy to give the pups a home.  Just let us know when you’re going to drop them off.”  Pointedly, he raised the comic a little higher to block out his boyfriend’s disapproving gaze.

“Thanks,” the brunette started “I’ll bring them by after their walk tomorrow.  You won’t regret this Jack; just wait till you see them.”

As Bridge chattered away about the new design schematics and started giving care instructions, Sky lent in close to Jack to whisper “you know, we discussed this.  We’re supposed to present a united front to him, or he’ll never learn.”

Jack rolled his eyes at his boyfriend and checked to make sure the blue ranger was still distracted before quickly grabbing Sky’s shirtfront and pulling him closer to kiss the irresistible pout the blond was now sporting.  Worth it, he thought.

Now with a sequal: New Arrivals

A list of my PR fanfiction, T rated or lower, can be found here

spd, jack/sky, fic

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