[The sound of rain can be heard, but the Commander had the sense to broadcast indoors. His tone indicated this is actually important and not a usual rant
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[...You're still going on about that, are you. Ryner just gives the video a tired look, while the wild Paras who's still parked on his head gives a questioning look instead.]
[And you wonder why he keeps using the word bothersome. Have a sigh.]
Well, I mean, I'm just saying, it would be a lot less bothersome if you would. And doing bothersome things like threatening him when he's so much smaller than you are would be really rude too, you know?
[He's even using his "indoor" voice. Of course it won't last.]
I don't care if you think something is bothersome. If I want to do something, I will do something, regardless of how bothersome someone else thinks it is because I do not value opinions other than my own. Furthermore, I don't care if you think it's rude or not! I already told you that I'll threaten whatever I want! I don't care if it's smaller than me! If I want to threaten it, I will!
...Er, I don't think I get the joke.
Well, I mean, I'm just saying, it would be a lot less bothersome if you would. And doing bothersome things like threatening him when he's so much smaller than you are would be really rude too, you know?
[He's even using his "indoor" voice. Of course it won't last.]
I don't care if you think something is bothersome. If I want to do something, I will do something, regardless of how bothersome someone else thinks it is because I do not value opinions other than my own. Furthermore, I don't care if you think it's rude or not! I already told you that I'll threaten whatever I want! I don't care if it's smaller than me! If I want to threaten it, I will!
...How bothersome.
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