There are so many products at the Department Store for Pokémon. Which ones do you use? And why? Which ones improve the ability to battle? Which Technical Machines would allow a Machop to strike a ghost Pokémon? If you can answer any of these, your help would be greatly appreciated.
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Comments 151
Mmm, you'd be surprised how helpful temporary ability increases can be, you know.
[Cobra Commander looked over towards the next aisle, not yet matching the voice with someone he knew.]
The temporary increases could be good in a desperate situation, but after the battle ends, they're useless according to this.
[He's still sort of thinking out loud.]
Well, that's why you get more than one, I guess.
[Something about that voice sounds familiar, but he can't put his finger on it.]
Or maybe I should just buy the vitamins for them. This is turning into a real pain!
It would be worth the while to spend the money on the vitamins. They're really very helpful.
[He trails off, working the numbers out in his head.]
More of these for less money. There's also technical machines.
[He frowns beneath his mask. This was easier when he had a billion dollar budget.]
Since you're recommending them, which vitamins are the most helpful?
[He shrugs, still with a smile on his face.]
That's entirely dependent on what you're looking to do, of course. Calcium will improve their special attack stats, Protein their normal attack, Iron for defense, Carbos for speed...
[He takes a minute to consider all of this.]
I've got it. I'll purchase Protein and Carbos! Then I'll be able to launch such a crippling first strike, I won't have to worry about defense! You've been very helpful!
[Cobra Commander begins shoving the X-Attacks on to some random shelf, not caring whether or not it's the right shelf.]
I don't see the point of those things. They're expensive if you use them regularly; they only last for one battle; and you loose a turn to give it to your pokemon.
[Cobra Commander turns around to further explain his logic, only to stop when he sees the Poliwag and its owner.]
[France grin, making a gestures to himself. David stares.]
Then...if you feel that way, what items do you use on your...Pokemon?
[His voice is clearly strained. He's not very good at pretending to be nice.]
I GuEsS WhAtEvEr iT Is yOu dO UsE MaKe sUrE It's mOtHeRfUcKiN GoOd aS A BiTcHtIt.
It'S lIkE A ThInG ThAt'S oN A BiTcH Or sOmEtHiN!
JuSt wHaTeVeR YoU GeT YoUr bAd sElF Up iN BuYiN, jUsT GeT YoUr fOr sUrE On tHaT'S It'S aS GoOd aS ThAt!
[ Forgive this dumbass he had a sort of mental breakdown in a sort of department store. Sort of. ]
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