
Oct 26, 2012 11:40

Tumblr's down and I am well aware of how much I use it so ( Read more... )

sailor moon, mspa, pokemon

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Comments 7

mentalguru October 26 2012, 17:50:32 UTC
Even though I'm not on tumblr technically I lurk there a lot, and I recall something going down regarding grey delise? I'm not sure what happened though, and I was going to find out but- well, tumblr is down.

On a more happier topic though, I am being currently amused by the latest incarnation of Ninja turtles. All four of them are so damn adorable. Episode 6 tomorrow- though I'll probably only get to see it sunday.


serenemuffin October 26 2012, 18:13:13 UTC
Uh, yeah, something kind of did go down regarding that... it was really disheartening.

Ah, a couple of my friends are into that as well. It looks really adorable from what I've seen! :D


mentalguru October 26 2012, 18:25:14 UTC
Yeah... kind of bracing myself when I find out. Granted Sifu Kitsu already paved the way for avatar staff behaving badly online so it's not much of a shock but... yeah kind of disappointing all the same.

But yes! I currently am craving turtle plushies for this reason. Specifically Leo if I had to choose one, but I'm thinking in general most fangirls would want a raph or donatello one most of all. And the odd Mikey. Not that I blame them, I'd want to hug them too! Leo and Raph are just adorable together when they're not fighting.

Of course if possible I'd get all four though if they existed. lulz.

(I grew up on the previous two cartoon incarnations so ninja turtles is like nostalgia x 2 for me- it has a portion of my very young childhood as well as teen years on it).

(Also where is your icon from??? :D)


serenemuffin October 27 2012, 03:13:01 UTC
Yeah, Sifu Kisu was really disappointing.

There will probably will be action figures of the series, so you'll have those!

(Skip Beat! An anime about a girl wanting to crush her douchey ex-boyfriend's star career underneath her own. Out of complete spite.)


(The comment has been removed)

serenemuffin October 28 2012, 12:19:07 UTC
Oh, that's great, Tracy! I AM OPTIMISTIC FOR YOU. :DD

Hm, I have some people I follow who read Game of Thrones. I think you'll like someone named Arya Stark.


ADVENTURE TIME SPOILERS elle_white October 27 2012, 06:34:22 UTC
I've wanted to talk about the latest episode of Adventure Time, I Remember You, because damn that was some good writing! It gave me so many feelings. You just want to hug Marceline after that episode.

Her dad left her alone as small child during a war ffs! Simon was the only person she had, but now he can't even remember her. I was crying. When I first started this show, I didn't think I'd be bawling at the end of an episode. We learn so much about Marceline when she's singing while we see a flashback of how she met Simon. Such a good show.


Re: ADVENTURE TIME SPOILERS serenemuffin October 28 2012, 23:08:37 UTC
I just want to give Marceline all of the hugs. :,( She's been through way too much.


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