sailor moon all the time

Jul 16, 2012 22:53

I'm watching PGSM for the first time, and I'm really enjoying it.

And it got me to finally really set sail on Rei x Minako, so that's great! Such bratty girlfriends.

:), sailor moon

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Comments 2

elle_white July 17 2012, 03:32:00 UTC
Yeah, I've enjoyed your posts on it. It looks incredibly awesome and fun. It's hilarious to me that Luna and Artemis are both plush toys.


serenemuffin July 17 2012, 04:02:00 UTC
Aw, thanks. It is pretty fun and awesome. Oh my gosh, the moments when they're using the plush toys and they just sort of... scoot in that way that your stuffed animals walk when you were a kid?

I bust up laughing every time.


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