My LJ is going under Friends Only

Jan 26, 2005 16:54

Please comment to be added.

I won't have a banner up, because I can't make them. I don't understand photoshop enough.

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Comments 34

ginique January 26 2005, 23:41:56 UTC
Seren! I am still unable to see you in chat, yet people tell me you are there! *CRIES* What's going on?? *is Lost* /pun


serendipity8791 January 26 2005, 23:59:55 UTC
O.O I can't be in chat... I'm at work... no chat here! Not allowed!!!! *pets* ♥


ginique January 27 2005, 00:01:42 UTC
Poo on work! :(


serendipity8791 January 27 2005, 00:02:38 UTC
Work sucks! :(


cloudofmilk January 27 2005, 00:45:31 UTC
Okay, it's not a flist cut but I'm commenting anyway! ;-p

Will you be at the CMS open house this Friday? >.>


serendipity8791 January 27 2005, 00:46:48 UTC
Nu, but I will be volunteering at the MPRC!!! After my appointment at New Look, and possibly some shopping! I'll be there all evening, provided my cold doesn't get worse.


cloudofmilk January 27 2005, 00:47:54 UTC
Erm... but where is the open house supposed to be then?


serendipity8791 January 27 2005, 03:37:57 UTC
EEEK I thought the reply had posted...

The Open House is going to be upstairs from the Center, I think. In the large classroom. If not, it might be in the Center itself.


greenfairy1 January 27 2005, 15:20:23 UTC
um, can i be added, please? *dork* :)


serendipity8791 January 27 2005, 16:14:10 UTC
You're already on my f-list, heee! *pets* :)


greenfairy1 January 27 2005, 16:36:33 UTC
i know, i was just being retarded


ilthit January 28 2005, 16:29:54 UTC

Do you want a banner? I could make you one.


serendipity8791 January 28 2005, 17:29:25 UTC
You're already on my flist, love.

You're the third person to offer, heee.


ilthit January 28 2005, 17:57:37 UTC
Hah! I should've guessed. :D

And, oh yeah, so I am. :D


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