For those who might be skimming over my LJ...

Jan 26, 2005 11:42

Just to see what I'm about ( Read more... )

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Comments 35

danachan January 26 2005, 17:35:30 UTC
... *puts on oblivious!Dana hat*


serendipity8791 January 26 2005, 17:49:24 UTC
Something happening in fandom with "friends" of Elijah's who I'm suspecting of being groupies because they have LJs and post publicly about stuff that happens within that circle... ex: waking up next to Shox on a Saturday morning.


chancecaught January 26 2005, 18:03:03 UTC
Hmm, I think I've heard of at least one of the people you're referring to but I've never read their LJ before.


serendipity8791 January 26 2005, 18:07:16 UTC
Do not give them the satisfaction of following their antics. Please.


athena5897 January 26 2005, 17:38:41 UTC
*keeps her trap shut*

yeah, I know better than to say anythin...

*would put some funny comment of the past here, but refrains from doin so*


serendipity8791 January 26 2005, 18:06:20 UTC
One day, at band camp... at 4:30AM...

Also being woken up by a bunch of groupies leaving a party at 7am... NOT FUN. But they were nice about it. And not at all "omg look at me!".

'nuff said.


athena5897 January 27 2005, 00:34:07 UTC
One day, at band camp...

ROFL... that's what I was gonna say ^_^

mer, I wonder if that's an inside joke between us...


serendipity8791 January 27 2005, 00:36:26 UTC
That IS an inside joke between us... and Maud... and Laura... and... well I won't say who, LOL!


nothing_to_say January 26 2005, 18:46:58 UTC
*obviously missing things*


serendipity8791 January 26 2005, 18:50:23 UTC
It has nothing to do with people in my flist, don't worry. ♥

Read the comments for more details?


greenfairy1 January 26 2005, 19:51:58 UTC
you know, i know that i shouldn't want to know what's going on with all of this, but i can't help being curious, even though i know that it's none of my business.


(The comment has been removed)

serendipity8791 January 27 2005, 02:19:00 UTC
*hisssss* *flails* Dun say me name, lol! Mind if I delete your comment?


amenaspointyhat January 28 2005, 02:37:44 UTC
ohh, sorry. go for it


serendipity8791 January 28 2005, 02:39:09 UTC
I screened it, it's still there...


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