Welcome back Supernatural ....Dean Drawing 2

Sep 25, 2010 22:07

Cas kept pestering me for another spn boys drawing....so here you go sweetie. This is a quickie, a little rough but I hope you like.
I'll be adding Sam shortly.....watch this space.

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drawing, spn, dean

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Comments 7

smut_slut September 24 2010, 23:38:05 UTC
Man, I can't wait, I can't wait!!!!!!!!!! *squeals and bounces around like a 2 year old*


serendip50 September 25 2010, 08:23:28 UTC
Awww...thanks sweetie, you are too kind.

I'd like to attempt some more 'provocative' drawings, you know one of those 'not worksafe' ones...lol. But I need to lacate some good material....

Face shots can get a little boring, but it's good practice. Likeness is so difficult.

Thanks for your quick response, I'm honoured. Huggles hard xx


virtualpersonal September 27 2010, 05:53:01 UTC
I did pester you, and you deserved pestering for hiding away your artistic abilities!

This is a very good likeness of Dean *nods* I'm not very good with words to describe art, sorry about that but I'll give it my best shot :) I think you did especially well with his nose (which a lot of people get wrong, or barely draw so they don't have to deal with it - you know, just include more of highlight than actually draw it in), eyes and eyebrows. You've got season 6 hair going, yay (I like) and you kept him looking masculine/true to life.

Great stuff and I look forward to Sam as well as Sam plus Dean art in the future ::grins::

Yeah, maybe I'm just a wee bit pushy. Heh heh.

Thanks for the eye candy!


serendip50 September 27 2010, 13:23:58 UTC
Thanks for your generous comment bb. So happy you like...I try to please...
And I'm rather greatful that you prompted me, otherwise I'd never post anything....haha. Shy girl that I am...

Yeah, when I draw I tend to concentrate on the small details, get them as correct as I can. Sometimes it works:).

I love your Jensen icon...so extraordinarily beautiful and yet,... so pretty too!

Huggles hard xx


virtualpersonal September 27 2010, 18:03:08 UTC
Well I am a nagger if anything ::grins::

Seriously, if you enjoy drawing/arts... then keep it up. It is always great to have a hobby/pass time that you love, and to share it with others.

My teen Dean icons are by the incredible apieceofcake - she made a whole set and I snagged plenty lol


deans_fetish September 27 2010, 06:07:59 UTC
Wow... you did really well...
Of course, my art looks like Sam's in that episode in S3 about the fairy tales so... ya know... LOL
I can SOOO see those lips as Dean's! Wow! I had the screen scrolled down as I wrote this and glanced up and right off was like DEAN LIPS! HAHAHA So, yeah, you did a really good job of capturing a lot of his features. ♥
You know you are welcome to post this at spn_thedean if you wanted to.

Wonderful job, sweetie! I miss you! *smishes*


serendip50 September 27 2010, 13:35:53 UTC
Awwww, thanks so very much my dearest fetish. So glad it works for you. I tried really hard to get his 'pretty' features correct. (I was proud of his lips too...they are rather kissable..*sighs*).

Really!!....I can post at your comm...thank you so much. I'll give it a try...

Miss you too...it's not the same when I can't talk to you so often!:)...I know you're really busy and you have an abundance of friends it's hard to keep up with them all.

NICEEE icon...me too...so, me too...lol.

Stay well. Smishes you bak xxx


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