My Drawings, Dean and Sam

Mar 23, 2010 20:49

Hi...I am excited to present my conspiritorial Supernatural fans with some drawings dedicated to the somewhat elusive show of late. I hope they are pleasing. I did my best to make them as close to the real thing as I could in these early stages of returning to my art ( Read more... )

angels and demons, my drawings, sam, dean

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Comments 18

huntress69 March 24 2010, 00:35:38 UTC
I like them all, but especially the Dean. The colors you put "behind him" are lovely.


serendip50 March 24 2010, 00:50:44 UTC
My first comment...thank you sweetie.

I love adding bright colours to my pencil drawings, I think it brings them alive.
I'm thrilled you liked them all. xx


huntress69 March 24 2010, 00:53:43 UTC
BTW, did you draw Dean with the stubble, or is that supposed to be shadow? Either way, looks sexy.


serendip50 March 24 2010, 00:56:03 UTC
Yes, I drew him with stubble...but there is plenty of shading too....:). And of course he is sexy with or without. xx


sarcasticdaisy March 24 2010, 07:07:55 UTC
These are really beautiful honey :D I’m so jealous, I wish I had your talent... Doodling's, more my forte, lol.


serendip50 March 24 2010, 15:17:22 UTC
Thank you so much for leaving such an encouraging comment...I was a little apprehensive about posting these as I am not the most confident person.

Your own talent is awesome though, you know how much I favour and look forward to your stories. Hugs xx


deans_fetish March 25 2010, 00:05:33 UTC
Wow! You did really well! Pfft! The way YOU made them sound I was waiting for stick figures with bobble heads! You silly silly girl! Those are great! I can really SEE the characters in there! There was no wondering who the hell they were, it was obvious and well thought out, the pencil strokes are raw (I guess that's the word for it) and that just makes (to me) them look even more "manly" (they don't look fluffy and pretty, they look like Supernatural hunting MEN). I think you did really well.

Thanks for sharing them! ♥
*hugs you tight*


serendip50 March 25 2010, 00:15:11 UTC
Thank you for your lovely comments bb.
Yeah they are rather graphic...Supernatural hunters afterall:). Raw is good in my book too....hehe.

I appreciate your words immensely sweetie, and so glad you thought they were a good likeness. Huggles tight xx


serendip50 March 25 2010, 15:53:34 UTC
Didn't I make myself clear bb...I don't do stick people with bobble heads, only if they are artistically enhanced...lmao. Or maybe if they were interpreted as Lowry-esque figures...that would be quite acceptable...hehe.

Huggles xx


virtualpersonal March 25 2010, 01:19:12 UTC
These are terrific. Dean's frown/brows/eye area is absolutely perfect, it's his expression right there. I think the Sam pic right after that is most accurate. Your clothing detail is incredible. Can't wait to see more our of you!


serendip50 March 25 2010, 15:46:10 UTC
Thanks hon for your wonderful comments. I'm thrilled you found them terrific...and you want more. that's a great compliment, and I will certainly oblige in that area:).

The clothing is the easy part of the picture, it's the resemblance that is the tricky But as they say practice makes perfect. Hugs you hard xx


blynnk March 25 2010, 03:06:09 UTC
I really love how stark these are. Really bold, rich lines, especially in 2, 3 & 6. The eyes are captivating. Especially Sam's. Thanks for sharing these & linking me!! They're yummy :)


serendip50 March 25 2010, 15:39:02 UTC
You are very welcome honey. You said you wanted me to link you when I posted, so that's what I did. Plus, I was eager for your opinion on them:).

Thanks for your interest and for the specific comment on certain aspects of the drawings and their yummyness...*score*:).
I'm also glad you thought Sam's eyes were captivating...they are rather piercing I must agree. xx


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