Well, I intended on making this journal friends only since I do bitch about baronial stuff. Granted I do talk about people in generalities but some people probably do recognize who I do talk about. I don't want to make problems because I need to vent for whatever reason. I often forget to change the security level because I am a ditz. However it
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Comments 9
You can change it so it automatically defaults to friends only - did you find out how to do it yet?
LiveJournal does provide the means to set a minimum security level for all your future posts. For example, setting this option to Friends-Only or Private will prevent you from accidentally posting a public entry that you meant to post at a protected level. You will still be able to post an entry with a lower security setting than the minimum by posting it with the minimum security you have set, then editing it to change the security setting.
To set the minimum security level of all future entries in your journal, log in (http://www.livejournal.com/login.bml) and go to the Admin Console (http://www.livejournal.com/admin/console) and execute the following command:
set newpost_minsecurity
Do not enter the < or > symbols; these are only for reference purposes. To set the minimum security level to Friends-Only, replace with "friends". To set the minimum security level to Private, replace ( ... )
I have mine set to friends only, and it can be done :)
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