No sé qué decirte sobre lo acertado del test, porque a mí me ha salido esto:
What Pseudo Historical Figure Best Suits You? created with You scored as Dante Alighieri According to you most of humanity will spend at least some of their afterlife in hell. You have a high likelihood of being exiled, but anyone as bloody fucking romantic as you deserves what they get. You have an exceptional moral code, overshadowed by the fact that you yourself cannot uphold it.
Your existence bears a definite irony, although of fairly Christian morality, many pagans, satanists, communists, and intellectuals admire you and your works for all the wrong reasons.
Also, the brighest star in your sky is never going to be your lover...
It takes a lot of grief to be the cartographer of hell.
Pues eso, que tú tienes de Dante Alighieri lo que yo de Stephen Hawking XD A no ser, claro, que escribas cosas como la divina comedia y que según tú todos vayamos a ir al infierno xD
Comments 5
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Ay mare mía que em descojono!!! xDDDD
Ya estás cogiendo tus cosas y encerrándote en un convento majo!
What Pseudo Historical Figure Best Suits You?
created with
You scored as Dante Alighieri
According to you most of humanity will spend at least some of their afterlife in hell. You have a high likelihood of being exiled, but anyone as bloody fucking romantic as you deserves what they get. You have an exceptional moral code, overshadowed by the fact that you yourself cannot uphold it.
Your existence bears a definite irony, although of fairly Christian morality, many pagans, satanists, communists, and intellectuals admire you and your works for all the wrong reasons.
Also, the brighest star in your sky is never going to be your lover...
It takes a lot of grief to be the cartographer of hell.
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A no ser, claro, que escribas cosas como la divina comedia y que según tú todos vayamos a ir al infierno xD
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O no xD
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