Week from hell

Oct 09, 2011 05:16

It doesn't seem like much, but my beloved Jetta is eleven years old. So the repair costs are higher than the car's value. Oops. I don't want a new car. I like the Jetta just fine.
She did more damage than it appears. The structural integrity is pretty compromised. The driver's door was almost jammed shut.
Out of the top of my head (if I can't find the exact same car) the important things are:

1. V6 (although I've been advised that it's less of an issue with newer models)
2. Four doors (not sure why)
3. Reliability and/or decently priced repairs

I think the other things can be taken for granted in the short of cart I'm looking for: keyless entry, power windows, etc.

Luckily for me, b.orgers are on the case and are helping me out.Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

accident, via ljapp, car

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