Merlin - Valiant

Jul 28, 2012 18:42

Valiant (Season 1, Episode 2)

Mundungus Fletcher!  I'm always excited to see Harry Potter actors in Merlin.  Poor guy got killed.  But seriously.  Who didn't see that coming?  Merlin's quite predictable most of the time.  I kinda like it's predictability.  It's really nice if you don't like being caught off guard.

I'm thinking Valiant forged his identification.  He had the little mini shield placard thingy, but he's clearly not a knight.  Do they not check identification?  Bad Uther!  You're getting soft.  If that's possible.

Poor Merlin.  Arthur just loves beating on him.  But you gotta give Merlin some credit for holding up as long as he did.  He had no training after all.  Honestly, if Merlin wanted to, he could totally be a knight.  He's got the heart of one.

*knocks on head* "Do you hear clanging?"

Merlin claims that Arthur gets all the girls.  All the girls?  There are girls in Camelot?  How do you even know there are girls in Camelot, Merlin?  There are a grand total of two girls in Camelot!  And let me assure you Merlin, Arthur most certainly does not have either of them.

I love Merlin/Gwen interactions.  Their friendship is the sweetest.  I think Gwen knowing so much about armor is awesome.  Not sad at all.  I'd love to learn all that stuff.  The grass is always greener on the other side, right?

Oh look at Merlin's face.  He's so adorably confused.  Even after everything Gwen tried to teach him, he still has no idea what he's doing.  Makes me wonder.  Why exactly did Uther allow this peasant boy become the prince's personal manservant without even putting him through training?  Peasants aren't born with the inherent skills to serve nobility, you know.

But Merlin's trying so hard.  Who could possibly hold it against him?

Arthur trying to be all patient but failing miserably.  Oh sweetie.  But you can see that Arthur's very distant here.  He doesn't try to talk to Merlin, he doesn't even try to make eye contact with Merlin.  He's just standing there, expecting Merlin to do everything.  He doesn't look at all approachable.  Good-looking, yes, but that's all he is.

Look at the tendons standing out in his neck.  *grins*  I love you, Bradley.  *starts staring at Colin's hands*  Wonder if Colin really does know how to put armor on Bradley.  I think it'd be really cool if he did.  The anger Arthur displays here looks very much like a master yelling at a servant.  Which is exactly what it is but... it's not.  I feel like all that anger Arthur has is always just simmering under the surface.  He has no outlet, he's just constantly on edge with the pressure weighing him down and everyone bowing and scraping at him.  He doesn't even know how to be anything other than a prince.  To be anything other than what his father expects.

Why does Merlin just hover near the entrance to the tournament grounds?  Doesn't he have any designated place to be when his master's on the field?  There are no other squires/manservants hanging around.

Hmm... why is Valiant addressed as Knight Valiant?  They never address other knights this way.  It's always Sir ___.  Oh the continuity in this show is horrible.  But, well, I've seen worse.

Oh look, our boys are bonding.  Over calling Valiant "creep."  In the novel version of "Valiant," it's actually written, "For a moment, Arthur was tempted to clap Merlin on the back.  It was just what he had been thinking.  Valiant was a creep, and it hadn't taken Merlin long to work that out.  He turned away to stop his servant seeing the smile on his face.  Even though he agreed with Merlin it was hardly right for a servant to talk that way about a knight of the realm, or for a prince to encourage him." (source)

I really like the elaboration the novel gives us.  We get a bit of insight into Arthur's thoughts, and it makes Arthur's actions a little clearer.  He does indeed turn away from Merlin with a smile on his face.  Even in a small moment like this, Arthur can't forget that he's a prince, can't allow himself to get a tiny bit closer to Merlin.  Oh, you're so emotionally-stunted sweetie.

Why is Valiant allowed to spend so long talking to Morgana and holding up the line?  Uther's not ordering Valiant's head chopped off for daring to flirt with Morgana?

The ArMor.  They were kinda cute I guess.  But their similar temperaments guarantees that their relationship would never work.  Neither of them will back down.  Even if TPTB really did decide to take the ArMor route like the legends, the Arthur and Morgana they created just don't mesh as a couple.  They'd be like setting two wildfires loose on each other.  All that'd be left would be smoke and ash.

Why are the snakes making noise when they haven't been summoned?  And blinking.  (Even though snakes can't blink.)  If the shield regularly made hissing sounds and blinked at people, Uther would've had Valiant beheaded long ago.

Yes, Merlin, sweetie, you go touch that shield that fucking blinked at you.  How could touching the supposedly inanimate snakes on a shield that just fucking BLINKED possibly be a bad idea?  Baby.  Baby.  Baby.  How are you not dead yet?

At least we can appreciate his pretty fingers.  XD

Oh look!  This is what Arthur wears under his armor!  No wonder Bradley's always sweating when they film these scenes in Pierrefonds.  God, can you imagine wearing that in the summer?

Bradley just looks very regal and princely and kingly and knight-like, doesn't he?  He just looks like King Arthur.

Why didn't Valiant just straight up kill Ewan?  Why did he need the shield at all for the matter?  If he can pin his opponent, he can get in the killing blow.  Pinning your opponent requires some skill.  Clearly, you have the skill to do so and more through the ranks.  That shield really does not seem altogether necessary.

Can I just say that the chainmail with the hood on is extremely unattractive.  Even Bradley can't make it attractive.  It's just not.

Uther eats with his gloves on?  Unsanitary much?  Yes, I know he's holding a goblet right now, but a couple seconds earlier he was picking up food and just putting it in his mouth with the gloves on.

I absolutely adore their capes.  The way they sweep and flow.  It's really lovely.


Look at their earnest expressions.  YES, THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF MERTHUR.  THIS IS WHERE I OFFICIALLY THREW MYSELF ON TO THE MERTHUR SHIP.  I resisted (futilely) in episode one, but I practically killed myself scrambling on to the Merthur ship in this episode.

I love that Arthur believes Merlin despite the fact that Merlin's a servant Arthur didn't even want.  Merlin swears that he's telling the truth and Arthur doesn't ask questions.  He trusts Merlin implicitly even though Merlin really hasn't given him any reason to.  In all honesty, in episode one, Merlin saved Arthur, yes, but Merlin was never in danger.  Merlin didn't throw himself in front of the blade.  He didn't push Arthur out of the way of the blade.  He pulled Arthur out of his chair to avoid the dagger.  If Merlin had been too late, Merlin wouldn't have gotten hurt.  Merlin never put himself in harm's way.  There's been no sacrificing themselves for each other.  Arthur doesn't really have an iron clad reason to take Merlin's word as the truth.  But he does anyway.  We start to see where Arthur and Uther's ruling styles and opinions diverge.  Arthur listens to everyone.  Cares about everyone.  Uther only listens to those who benefit himself, though I won't say he doesn't care about his people.  Arthur, the greatest king the world has ever known, is slowly starting to make an appearance.

Oh, the poor terrified look on Arthur's face.  That face tells us exactly how Arthur feels about Uther.  He fears him, respects him, and is absolutely terrified of disappointing him.

Bradley's acting here is brilliant.  Arthur's been put on the spot.  He believes Merlin, he genuinely does, but he can't defy his father, he can't disappoint his father, and he can't look a coward.  All he can do is grit his teeth and take it even though he deserves better, from his father of all people.  He's completely backed into a corner and is helpless to do anything but apologize.

"I withdraw the allegation against Knight Valiant.  Please accept my apology."

It's lovely the way his voice catches here.  It shows Arthur vulnerability, his wounded pride, his humiliation, and yet still conveys that Arthur believes in what he's standing up for.

Merlin's sympathetic look.  Aww.  Sweetie.

Arthur's face.  He genuinely trusted Merlin.  Even now, he shows his vulnerability only to Merlin.  He could've just ordered Merlin to leave, just sacked him immediately.  But he takes the time to talk to him.  He wants to vent about his feelings.  This isn't a cold prince.

"A half cannot truly hate that which makes it whole."  One of my favorite lines.

Merlin, did you really get a stone dog statue in a wheelbarrow up those stairs to your room without the stairs collapsing, sweetie?  I find it hard to believe this happened without magic.

Colin's eyes!

Colin's mouth!

"He'll use the shield against you."
"I know."
"Then withdraw!"
"Don't you understand?  I can't withdraw!"

Why should Merlin understand?  He's not a prince; he didn't even grow up in court.  Arthur may say that Merlin's just his servant, but he already treats Merlin more like an equal.  He doesn't dismiss Merlin, he tries to make Merlin understand his situation.  What kind of master would act this way with a true servant?


Hey look!  The guy helping Arthur with his armor is his old manservant.  What's this guy do now anyway?  Just hang about the castle hoping Merlin gets sacked?

Baby.  Baby.  Baby.  You're in full view of everyone.  WHY aren't you more discreet?  At least whisper!

Whenever I see this, I recall Bradley saying that when he was watching this for commentaries, he was seeing himself chased by ping pong balls in place of snake.  I can't take this scene seriously anymore.

I'm sorry, but this is part of why I can't buy Arthur/Gwen.  In this scene, the camera switches between Merlin, Arthur, Uther, Gwen and Morgana.  Arthur is walking off the field.  Uther is looking slightly shaken.  Morgana is staring after Arthur until she turns to look at Uther.  Merlin can't take his eyes off Arthur.  And Gwen.  Gwen isn't even looking at Arthur.  She's staring at either Morgana or Uther.  And you're trying to sell Arwen to us?  In what universe?!

I love this.  I love that Arthur puts his hand on Merlin's shoulder as he leaves the tournament grounds.  He's giving him a little recognition for being right.

"So you're too proud to admit you were saved by a girl."
"Because... I wasn't."
"You know what?  I wish Valiant was escorting me."
"Me too.  Then I wouldn't have to listen to you!"

I love that right after this exchange. Arthur immediately goes to Merlin.  And he's essentially forgotten he even sacked Merlin.  Already relying on Merlin a bit too much, aren't you sweetie?

merlin: season 1, episode reaction, merlin

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