Gossip Girl - The Fugitives (May 7th)

May 07, 2012 23:16

The Fugitives (Season 5, Episode 23)

Okay, seriously.  Gossip Girl is not a murder mystery.  Bart did not need to come back from the dead.  I don't care how powerful Bart is, so how it's quite possible people would be after him.  Gossip Girl's already got enough convoluted storylines.  Chuck's daddy/mommy/entire family issues don't need another go around.  In all honesty, anything about Chuck's family is just boring now.  Shouldn't it tell you how much they've exhausted their storylines if they had to resort to bringing Bart back from the dead to create drama?  I mean, come on.

But what the hell did they bury???  That's what I want to know most of all.  I need to decide if I should be impressed or creeped out...

Dan... what happened to your hair?  You really need a haircut.  When he came out of the shower, I was like... "What is that puffball on top of Dan's head?"

But I love how Blair answer's Dan's phone.  That was adorable.  And she looked so comfortable at the loft!  Dair is adorable.

Seriously, Blair, that's all you have to say about Serena being Gossip Girl?  She should be furious that Serena became the person who cause people so much distress.  Instead, she just mad Serena didn't share her good fortune?  I'm sorry, but I just can't understand why Blair would react like that.

Soooo... Bart gave Chuck blood.  Dead man walks into hospital.  Gives blood.  Walks out.  No one notices...  What the hell.

"Is there anywhere you have to be right now?"
Well, at least Blair was telling in truth in saying no.  I was afraid she would be on her way to meeting Dan, but chooses Chuck over Dan.  Glad to know I was wrong there.

I suppose Blair's somewhat justified in being torn between Chuck and Dan in this episode.  Chuck genuinely does need her this time.  He just found out his dead father's alive.  Who could blame Blair for wanting to be there for him.  I'm glad Dan realized the same.  I can't find it in my heart to want Blair to choose Dan in this situation.  Chuck really does need her far more.  And just because Dan has trust issues, it doesn't mean Blair should abandon what's right in order to soothe him.  I understand how insecure Dan feels about Blair spending time with Chuck.  Who wouldn't?  Blair and Chuck had such a special relationship.  Dan's got every right to feel threatened by Blair running back to him.  Especially since he's watched her run back to him (and away from her current boyfriend) before.  Can't blame him for being afraid that might happen to him.

I also understand why Chuck came to Blair.  Obviously, Chuck doesn't want the fact that his father's alive getting out, so he's not gonna broadcast it to everyone.  Blair knows, so she's the logical choice.  Yes, Chuck has other friends, but Blair's the one he can depend on.  It really makes good sense that he was unwilling to tell anyone else until he absolutely had to.  And Chuck didn't hold Blair back.  He told her to go even though he needed her.  It was Blair who kept running back.  Which brings me to my next point...

As much as I agree with Blair wanting to be there for Chuck in this situation, she needs to learn to stop running to "rescue" him every time he trips.  Chuck's living his own life.  And so is Blair.  If one of them really needs help, like Chuck did this episode, then of course they should be there for each other.  But Blair needs to learn to let Chuck sink or swim when it's not a life or death situation.

Blair's going to Rome?  But... is she really?  Or is Dan going to have to end up leaving without her?  She says she wants to go, and she even seems excited.  But I'm a little wary...

"Where's the gelato?"  
I cracked up at that line.  I think that's the best line in the entire episode.  The way it was delivered.  Oh... it was beautiful.  When Dan said Blair was getting gelato though, I was screaming, "You're not getting gelato, you're getting Serena!"  And lo and behold, Serena walks in.  God, Blair, if S can play you as Dan's girlfriend, then she can play you at helping Chuck.  Serena's no idiot.  Also, Chuck is just as good a schemer as you.  He doesn't need you to scheme.  Go help your boyfriend cement his future!

Eleanor - "Hello, Serena!"
Dorota - "Hello!"
Eleanor (silently) - ...the hell?

Thank god Serena decided she should tell Dan the truth about what's going on.  I mean, no it wasn't her place to tell, but Dair would've crashed and burned if she hadn't.  Of course Dan would be understanding about that.  Why shouldn't he be?  I'm just glad Dan's in the loop for once.  Even if not directly...

"I'm not ready.  I really want the next person I say it to to be the last."
Very sweet sentiment.  It's just not realistic.  I love that Blair's being more cautious about how fully she gives herself to someone, but she also needs to realize that the only way for her to find out if that person will be "the last" is to take a risk.  I'm afraid she'll be too afraid to take that risk, and ruin everything in the process.

"I can't shake the feeling that Dan is about to tell me he loves me, and if he does..."
This excerpt from the diary doesn't seem bad... but judging by Blair's face when she read it, more incriminating things are to come. And since Gossip Girl is the one releasing the information, she's only going to release the most controversial parts.  Dan and Blair's relationship is heading for the rocks.

The CW preview kept pushing Chair and Derena on us, but the Canadian preview made still gave us some hope for Dair.  Part of me thinks there's no way Chair and Derena is going to happen because of how hard they were pushing it.  But part of me is skeptical because I'm wondering... what did Blair write?  I personally don't think it's logical to make Blair go back to Chuck.  And didn't Chuck already return that Harry Winston ring?  But they only have one season left.  I wouldn't put it past them to take the easy way out and revive Chair.  It's already been set up, they can easily bring it back without needing to put in too much effort.  Dair they actually need to flesh out.  Like I said, I don't think it's logical.  But I wouldn't say it's impossible.  Fingers crossed for Dair!

~XOXO, Seravia

episode reaction, gossip girl, dair, gg:season 5

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