April 23rd - Despicable B

Apr 24, 2012 20:45

Despicable B (Season 5, Episode 21)

First, this is my post about everything in Despicable B except Dair.  That will be in a separate post.  So go look for that too!

Gossip Girl needs to learn the difference between drama and downright improbability.  They've pushed that boundary so many times.  Some things are improbable, but I could still see them happening because of the world they live in.  The Upper East Side obviously is more screwed up than the rest of the world (on Gossip Girl at least), so things we think are ridiculous are somewhat acceptable.  But really.  This train has completely derailed.

I really liked Diana being Chuck's mother.  I mean, Diana definitely does not look like she could be Chuck's mother, but from their interaction, I really wanted to see how it would play out.  I never liked Elizabeth to begin with.

Um... since when does Andrew Tyler work for Nate?  Wasn't there a time when he didn't even want to work for Chuck because he worked for MISTER Bass, and not Chuck?  How is he so chummy with Nate of a sudden?

So Lola knows that William is her dad now?  I almost did a spit take when I saw.  Except I wasn't... you know... actually drinking anything.  So... no spit take.

I really liked Rufus this episode.  He's finally growing a backbone again, since it seems to have collapsed after he married Lily.  I'm glad he's finally realized that he doesn't need to be the trophy husband.  Rufus is worth so much more than that.

It actually really annoyed me that Dan told Rufus to go to Lily's dinner.  The problem is that Lily isn't taking steps to make things better between herself and Rufus.  She's only concerned with looking like a big happy family on the outside.  To hell with the inside.

Lily would once have resented any comparison of herself to CeCe.  But now?  She's proud that she's like her?  What's happened to Lily's character?  She was never nice per se, but she was never cruel.  She's always had her values, even if they were twisted.  But now money's blinded her to everything.  She was always the kind of person who would worry about saving face before fixing any problems in her family, but now she just seems downright cold.  She spoke about herself and Rufus getting a divorce like she was talking about the weather.  Then she threw out barbed comments like she was throwing candy to small children!

"Rufus, are you saying you'd like a divorce?  Because where exactly are you going to find another Upper East Side woman to take care of you like I have?"

Oh so that's what Lily was doing with Rufus, was it? I'm so sorry that I was under the mistaken impression that this was a marriage.  Look at her face.  Does that look like the face of a woman who thinks her husband may no longer want to stay with her?  Because to me, that face looks like she can't wait to be rid of her burden.  All I can see in her face is contempt, not even a sliver of regret.  What's happened to the one relationship I always believed would never break?  I was skeptical about a lot of things about Lily, but the one thing I never doubted was that she loved Rufus.  Where's that gone?

Does Lily really think so little of Rufus that she thinks he can't get along without her?  Because let me tell you, Lily (or better yet, he should tell you) that Rufus got along perfectly well in the thirty or forty years he wasn't married to you.

Serena.  Oh god.  Can't she ever think of anyone other than herself?  I don't care how tumultuous her life is now.  Lily and Rufus are having problems and she wants to throw her father into the mix?  And then that crybaby act she threw at the end of the episode that basically screamed, "You're picking Lola over me, and you can't do that because I'm Serena Van der Woodsen!"  I wanted to sympathize with her.  I really did.  I'm sure it must hurt that Will is picking up the doting Dad act with Lola so quickly, but she has her dad.  He's running to Lola because he realized, "Oh fuck.  I have another kid."  What, Lola doesn't get her turn at having a dad because he just happens to be Serena's dad too?  Someone needs to learn to share.

HEY.  HEY.  Guess what?  Nate giving orders is hot.

"She's still royalty to me."  *glare*
"Down, Dorota."
Oh this exchange.  I loved it.  Blair and Dorota's dynamic is precious.  They treat each other like mistress and maid, but they both know their relationship isn't actually that.  That's what makes these exchanges so amusing.

How messed up can the Rhodes/Van der Woodsens be?  Lily's putting her own sister in jail.  Oh wait, she put her daughter in jail once too.  And it's all just a money fight.  And the saddest thing?  Lily doesn't even seem to want the money.  She just wants Carol to not have it.

Damn it.  More murder-mystery-esque Bass family drama.

"Nate, I think Jack Bass is my father."

I can't take anymore plot twists!  Seriously!  It's like... Elizabeth is Chuck's mother!  Oh wait, no she's not!  Oh wait, yes she is!  Oh, but she's not now!  Diana is!  But... wait for it... Diana's not!  Or maybe she is...?  Nope, she's not.  Elizabeth...? Diana...?  Wait, no, forget all that, JACK'S CHUCK'S FATHER.

Just look at that, would you?  JUST LOOK AT IT.  How much more screwed up can this story line get unless you throw in a "oh wait, this is actually an alternate universe and Chuck isn't really Chuck, he's a CLONE."  I mean, really.  I've completely given up on this story line.


So Diana's definitely not Chuck's mother.  I think.  It'd be just like them to be like, nope, Diana's not Chuck's mother.  *beat*  Fooled you!  Yes, she is!  Mwahahaha!

But fuck, when Blair came down those stairs, I honestly thought she was Diana. And her fake British accent.  Oh, Leighton.  I love you.

~XOXO, Seravia

episode reaction, gossip girl, dair, gg:season 5

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