Title: Reprieve (1/3)
seraphtrevsPairing: Mohinder/Sylar
Rating: NC-17 overall, PG this part
Word count: This part: ~1200
Disclaimer: Not mine, no profit made, etc.
Spoiler alert:Through Volume 4 (slightly AU)
Summary:After being separated from the other prisoners in the crash of Flight 195, Mohinder makes his way to Texas in an attempt to flee to
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Comments 20
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What an awesome start! I love the idea of Mohinder being... not exactly spoiled, but okay, just a little. Like, the reason he was so disarmingly and nonchalantly careless about his person was because he could be. Because a way to fix the situation was alway there should he choose to (reminds me of an SNL skit from years ago about a really destitute Eastern European who didn't understand the concept of anorexia--people who are starving can't really comprehend why someone would choose to starve oneself).
And AHAHAHAHA to the concept of Mohinder being all, "I'm so harmless!" when he just hurled a car at someone. And also, leave it to Mohinder to be the one to out to everyone about the powers. Everyone else has done such a good job of keeping them underwraps, and then Momo comes along... *shakes head and loves him*
I can't wait for the next part. I hope Sylar rescues him and teases him all at the same time. This is GREAT and exactly what I wanted tonight. Thank you! *happy sigh*
Like, the reason he was so disarmingly and nonchalantly careless about his person was because he could be.
Yes, exactly - Mohinder strikes me as someone who isn't very practical and doesn't think about these things, and now he's all "...goddamnit, what was wrong with me?! >:( "
reminds me of an SNL skit from years ago about a really destitute Eastern European who didn't understand the concept of anorexia--people who are starving can't really comprehend why someone would choose to starve oneself)
I remember that one! With Christina Ricci, I think.
And also, leave it to Mohinder to be the one to out to everyone about the powers.
Ahaha, yes! XD Poor Mohinder.
I hope Sylar rescues him and teases him all at the same time.
Hee, Sylar does get pretty smug about it.
I... I feel spoiled. Two more parts?! I thought I was lucky enough to just get a one-shot!
Seriously, though: the set-up of this fic, the action, the snarking, the imagery of Mohinder hurling a freaking car at Sylar... I'm pretty much at a loss for words, here ( ... )
Your descriptions are always so vivid and realistic, and I was floored with how you paced this first part.
I'm so relieved the pacing worked - I fought a lot with it, trying to avoid info dump while still letting people know what was going on. Lots of adding and deleting and then adding back again - glad it worked out in the end!
They all add up to things that we know about Mohinder's characterization, and the desperate circumstances that he and the others have found themselves in.Also glad to hear that - the writers ( ... )
But I trust he gets better. XD
"“Mohinder?” Sylar said with what seemed like genuine surprise. His arm dropped slightly. “What are you doing here?”"
Oh my god, your Sylar is on top form here. He's surprisingly sincere with Mohinder, and keeping the voltage low like he was doing him a favor. So Sylar. I bet he missed Mohinder.
LOL, he's glad the scales are gone!!!
Your Mohinder is amazing. I loved the internal monologue where he's all like contemplating the 'forget to eat' part. He's still so cerebral. <3 I like that he tries to fight back, and that he tried to save that man's life...it's so very him and at the same time, it's also him because he got hurt in the process.
The anguished shout. (my heart) This is great pacing and just great dialogue and it's in their voices, and the imagery is just-there- and I'm really, really excited for the next part! Great job.
No worries - Mohinder's not quite dead yet! /Monty Python
So Sylar. I bet he missed Mohinder.
Ahaha, yes his did - very much. Awww.
I like that he tries to fight back, and that he tried to save that man's life...it's so very him and at the same time, it's also him because he got hurt in the process.
YES, exactly what I was going for! Mohinder really has a knack for getting himself screwed over while trying to do the right thing. XD
and, hahaha "Mohinder couldn’t really fault his logic."
This is fantastic! ::looks forward to more::
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