And All Because The Lady Loves...
ficlet for
spiritaway who requested Casino Royale Bond/Villiers (and very, very, British)
Bond looked at the map one more time before he folded it back into the pocket of his black cargo pants before he pulled the ski mask over his head, there was heavy security, an electrified fence and dogs to contend with before he reached the house itself. The house had several sets of alarms and over twenty guards. It was a nice georgian brick affair with doric columns that didn't look it contained half the prize that it did.
He shinned up the silver birch beside the fence and dropped down into the grounds, a quick spray of somnolent gas dealt with an inquisitive guard dog that seemed to think him more friend than foe, and he was loping across the grass to the side of the house.
From his backpack he pulled a rappel line and shot it up towards the house where it caught and he pulled himself up hand over hand until he reached the roof.
There was a cupola on the house with glass windows that showed the sky above a few wooden benches that opened up into the attic. A few moments with a knife and a polished razorblade had broken the alarm seal and he was in.
He slunk across the attic to the main door opened it a crack and waited to see if he could hear anything.
There were guards walking past, talking amongst themselves and he waited until they had passed and slipped down the corridor just behind them but out of sight until he reached the door he wanted. A pair of lockpicks from the pocket of his cargo pants quickly dealt with the lock and he slipped inside.
He was almost laughing with the ease of it as he laid his parcel, taken from his backpack, down unto the bed and went to slip back out of the door when the light flicked on.
"James," Villiers said crossing his arms across his chest, "yes, very funny, but you could have taken the front door, and look at what you're wearing." Villiers managed to make an angry frown at his lover look adorable, "We can't go dressed like that, come on."
It was later when M took to her bed in the expensive hotel that she found the box of chocolates and the slim card showing a man's silhouette, "and all because the lady loves Milk tray" she read wondering for the hundredth time that day why she had given him 00 status, it certainly wasn't his taste in chocolates.
For many years Cadburys ran a series of adverts in which a dashing man in black overcame many obstacles to deliver to his lady love a box of cheap chocolates - Milk Tray, and a card with his image on it, and the slogan was "all because the lady loves milk-tray" so when i thought about it this popped into my head. the ad campaign for years and all the British people should get this immediately, and it's also very bond, which was always part of the joke..