Title: (Under the cut as the title could be construed as a spoiler for 6X11)
seramercuryPairings: Dean/Lisa
Rating: G
Spoilers: Most of season six, especially 6X11 and including a theory from a spoiler for 6X12
Word Count: 580
Notes: I have a theory from a spoiler for 6X12 and I had to run with it.
Supernatural Fic. )
Comments 6
I was going to write more and just write my interpretation of what was happening in the scenes with the spoilers, I just wanted to see how this was received first. :)
I would love to see a continuation of this. My heart aches for Lisa and Ben to become a part of Dean's life again in some way. I hate the way it ended and either want some better resolution between them, if they are not going to be in his life anymore, or a way written in where there is still a possibility to have them be a family. That is my big wish and hope for Dean. So, if the show doesn't give it to me, I know wonderful writers, like yourself, will do that.
Oh, that's so true! :D
Loved this!
I do hope Lisa and Dean get together again in the show!
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