
Feb 13, 2016 18:06

Okay, back now. Sorry about the freakout, but you guys are really the only people in my life I can cry to. Pathetic, I know. Thanks to those of you who were so kind about it. HUGS BACK ( Read more... )

tmi, illness, music, weed, john oliver, drumming, writer's block, japan, colbert, vids, writing, late night shows, c/z, politics, dance

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Comments 11

yeuxdebleu February 14 2016, 04:17:23 UTC
Thanks for that Drum Tao video. They're fantastic and I sent the video to two friends in Japan to see if they were familiar with the group.

I absolutely adore John Oliver and I'm so glad he'll be back tomorrow night. I don't know about Samantha Bee, but I'll check her out.

Sounds like you got a bad batch of weed. So sorry it made you sick. You can vent here anytime. LJ friends are wonderful sympathizers.


serai1 February 14 2016, 04:42:21 UTC
I've been dying to see a taiko group ever since the first one to tour the States back in the 80's. But theater is just SO DAMN EXPENSIVE.

John's the best. I'm sure he's going to have a field day with the ridiculous wingnut reactions to Scalia's death. Hell, all the late night comics are going to plow in with vigor, I'm sure. Mitch McConnell didn't even wait five MINUTES after the announcement before declaring that his party would block any nominations. FEH.

Not sure if it was a bad batch. My BiL took some of the same purchase and he hasn't reported any problems. Now that I think about it, I didn't bring up hardly anything when I vomited, and I remember I hadn't eaten before smoking, so it was probably that. Though that's certainly never happened to me with weed before. Guess I'll have to be more careful not to smoke on an empty stomach. Guess I'm gettin' old, ma! Now where'd I put m' damn teef?

Thanks for the sympathy, hon. It's great to have somewhere to do, even if it's through a computer screen.


addie71 February 14 2016, 13:21:10 UTC
Wow. Sorry to hear you were so sick. I hope you're doing a lot better today.

I wish I could see Jon Oliver's new show, but I won't pay the extra for HBO for one show. :(

I really enjoyed Drum Tao the other night and was very jealous of the studio audience.

That was a shocker about Scalia. It will be interesting to see what happens now. Mitch McConnell and other Republicans are wanting the new appointment to wait until the next President is in office.


serai1 February 14 2016, 18:41:36 UTC
I am better, actually, though there's still a slight bit of yuck around the edges. I think I have to swear off the really heavy weed and go for the lighter outdoor-grown strains.

You don't have to pay to watch John's show. It's put up at Youtube in pieces every week. Look for the "Last Week Tonight" channel and subscribe. :)

Drum Tao: INORITE? I've been dying to take in that energy ever since the first taiko group to tour the States came here in the 80's.

The interwebz are blazing with this whole Scalia thing. Maybe now we'll stop hearing all this IF BERNIE DOESN'T GET NOMMED IMA TAKE MY BALL AND GO HOME nonsense. Shit just got way more real here.


addie71 February 14 2016, 18:44:22 UTC
It's put up at Youtube in pieces every week. Look for the "Last Week Tonight" channel and subscribe.

Thanks! I didn't know that. :DDDD


serai1 February 14 2016, 18:49:57 UTC
There's a ton of vids on that channel already, so enjoy! (He also produces spots exclusively for the YT channel.)


claudia603 February 14 2016, 15:04:09 UTC
Hope you're feeling better today!! I wonder what happened? I wonder if your immune system was just down and freakd out or something...

Thank goodness he died during Obama's watch, although I know the Republicans will do everything they can to prevent another nomination...



serai1 February 14 2016, 18:44:43 UTC
I am feeling better, thanks, hon. I thought about it, and I think it has to do with my not eating much before I smoked. Although that's never happened before, my body may have reached some kind of limit and is telling me to slow the fuck down with the weed already. I'm going to wait until I'm all better, and then try to smoke a little to see what happens. I sure hope I don't have to quit. It's the only thing that really helps my incipient arthritis without having that same horrible effect. *sigh*

They're already caterwauling about how they refuse to confirm anybody. Hell, there are dozens of lower court appointments that have been left hanging just because these assholes refuse to do their fucking JOBS.



danae_b February 14 2016, 18:16:01 UTC
*gigantic hugs* I'm so behind on the reading half of LJ, I'm so sorry. That sounds so scary, but it kidn of reminds me of the time I misread how much vicodin I should be taking and had four in four hours and.... Yeah >.>

*more hugs*

A possible non-tasty prompt? How about 'tasting something new', be it food or drink or whatever.


serai1 February 14 2016, 18:47:28 UTC
Thanks, hon! I still feel kind of yucky - a vague sense of nausea around the edges - but I'm getting better.

Hm, that's interesting. Tasting... Well, my boys do seem to be pretty oral, so I'll play around and see if I can get something out of them on the subject. >:)


danae_b February 14 2016, 19:26:57 UTC
*hugs* Good <3

And yay, I hope it inspires :D I'd love to see what you come up with~


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