Title: Love by a Different Name
Summary: "It was nothing but a chance encounter, a simple set-up that neither of them wanted to attend. But they did, and they had found each other." Sequel to “
Time Makes it Harder,” takes place in the Mirror-verse.
Rating: NC-17
Warning: adult content, coarse language.
Dedication: To
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Comments 9
Chlollie are together again so all is right with the world.
Chlollie would not be Chlollie if they did not have some confusion and hesitation in their life.
Thank you for sharing such an awesome Chlollie story. Definitely can't wait for more updates on your other projects.
Happy writing.
No, unfortunately there has to be some form of that with Chlollie, but what matters is that they always find a way to make it work right?
Like I said, "Echoes" is being revived from a looong hiatus, so it won't be too long for an update. Thanks as always for your wonderful feedback.
Thanks for the happy ending :)
I love Hal, if tehre was no Vic, I'd totally ship him with Emily. But if not for Vic, there wouldn't probably be this ending. And he's role in all things Chlollie is too valuable, so I'm totally okay with the way things are :)
Happy Chlollie=happy me ;)
That said, I'm glad you think I did Hal justice. This was my first attempt at his character and I was hoping I did okay.
As for the Chlollie, yeah, I can't do unhappy endings. "Time" was supposed to be my attempt... and this happened. But if you liked this, then it's worth it to me. Thanks!
Thank you for this fic. It's always great to read you.
not only delicious chlollie but Lex was a better guy and since I'm a Chlexer since 2003 I really enjoy when he's not the sick bastard he became on the show (and it didn't have Lexana that is something that make me puke lol).
Thanks for the feedback.
I love his mirror universe
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