Title: Notbroken
Summary: Two years after the events in "Calendar Girl," Chloe finds herself days from beginning her final year at SCU when Oliver suddenly returns to Star City. But between balancing her ambitions, school, and her investigative tendencies towards the new vigilantes in town, Chloe finds herself struggling to choose the life she wants
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Comments 23
Thanks, I was really hoping that would be memorable in a good way because I always struggle with those moments. As for what happens next, they do talk, but I think you might be surprised on how I handle the scene.
Thanks God for Evie, seriously because without her Chloe would never have decided to tell him that she knew about his green leather fetish! She's so awesome!
Wonderful update Sera as always. Still love this story! Its amazing!
About Evie... you'll likely be saying that again in July.
Thanks so much! July... is long, and with my new projects, getting less of my focus. But I take that as a good thing because different storylines usually keep my words from becoming stale.
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And yes, I've noticed that there have been some formatting changes, I posted a chapter of erase earlier this week/last week. I'm having weird LJ cut issues. LJ puts the portion that's been cut on the top of the entry and leaves the rest of it out, and it's kind of odd. I don't know if that's the issue that you're having, but you're not alone!
I look forward to reading more!
First off... not sure how I missed your update, but so I'll make sure to check it out in the morning. My issues... geez there's so many.
I realized I forgot a cut on this entry and when I clicked off the HTML setting, everything from my banner on was gone. Fortunately for me I had the original up in another tab so I was able to copy and paste, but my formatting wouldn't transfer, and each time I went back to fix it... the formatting would disappear again. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. To make matters worse, I went to edit my master fic list to include this link and again... formatting gone.
I mean, I have a solution that almost works, but truth be told, if it weren't for the HTML class I took last semester in school, I might have pulled the update off LJ entirely. I don't know why they changed it, but it sucks for people who edit after posting.
Sorry for the rant.... I'll try to update this story as soon as I can. July is about half done, and I know what I want to do with it... I just have to write it.
I got enough hate mail, though. Apparently, my story is boring and is a failure. Oh, and apparently, it's not really Chlollie since Chloe left in the first chapter. People are funny.
I actually should have thought about using HTML to fix LJ, but that does seem awfully inconvenient to other people who don't know it.
Oh, there's no rush for you to update July. Take your time with it to make sure that it's how you want it. I think that's the most important part of writing. That's what I'm trying to do with Cure right now, actually. I'm almost done with the first chapter. I know I promised that I'd release it later, but I'm thinking that I'll release them as I write them, and if I get enough hatemail, I know I'm doing my job hahahahaha
Good luck with July! :)
Well, I apologize for the delay and look forward to your next update. Odd story, I remembered somebody commenting on ff.net telling me that "Calendar Girl" was boring, so I got curious and checked out your comments... and it's the same person. They don't like anything, trust me. I know you get plenty of other hate mail, but don't take that comment too seriously.
I appreciate the patience because I've started a new multi-chapter that's taken most of my attention this week, although that's mostly due to 'research' aka watching the later episodes of season 8 online (because other than Hex and Doomsday... I never saw them if they weren't Chlollie clips).
That, and this is a chapter I don't want to screw up. So thanks for the well wishes, they are really appreciated.
I'm so glad that she finally decided to do it! And that Oliver DID the first step by kissing her.
Thanks so much for the chapter, I'm looking forward to another one!
Yep, the secret's out, but there's still one tiny road bump before Chloe comes around.
Thanks, I'm hoping with finishing this one that I can focus on finishing July... because I haven't been able add anything to that chapter for the last little while.
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