Title: Notbroken
Summary: Two years after the events in "Calendar Girl," Chloe finds herself days from beginning her final year at SCU when Oliver suddenly returns to Star City. But between balancing her ambitions, school, and her investigative tendencies towards the new vigilantes in town, Chloe finds herself struggling to choose the life she wants
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Comments 8
Will Chloe tell Oliver that she knows his secret? Will Oliver tell Chloe that he knows that she knows? Will they address the 'my best friend is an alien' issue? Will Bart finally stay still long enough to say hello? (Or is it Bart? I've just been assuming...)
And, of course, there's Evie and what's going on with her. I have my theories. Especially considering and concerning the cousin and uncle (recently deceased) that were mentioned in January. But mainly I can't wait to have it all come together.
Cheers! And very much looking forward to 'April.' :)
(Oh. When Oliver's in Smallville talking to Clark he says "Neither...especially..." and that seems to need a pronoun.)
The whole telling thing will happen... potentially at the same time. But that's all I'm saying, except the speedster might (I say might because I'm still finalizing details) make an appearance in April. As for Evie, my lips are zipped.
(You're right, it does. *sigh* I have two bad habits in writing, you just pointed out a sentence that has both.)
Dude Evie is such an awesome character. I have a girl crush, shes like the mysterious guy who answers questions with questions but it only makes him more hot, but you know...a girl lol! I love her so much I'm not even trying to come up with theories, I just want to see what happens organically!
Now, to Oliver and Chloe..... i love them i do, and it totally makes sense about letting each other go because of distance and hero stuff, but dang it batman! lol Its all coming together but as a reader its frustrating in the BEST possible way lol. i hope that makes sense. Anyways I'm glad i caught up i was feeling super guilty about not reading updates, but I had to get my BA so yeh!
as always great job(i feel like if i say it more than once, i'll be making up for being late lol)
The whole frustration thing, I get what you're saying because I've been there. *glares at Sly who I love but kills me with her writing even if it's not her fault that I'm addicted to it* ...
There are pep talks ahead and decisions made and an ending I think I have finally finalized (went through about 8 different ones (grr..)). So yeah, we'll get there. Just a few more chapters to go.
Finally, thanks so much for commenting, and there's no need to apologize for lateness. School's important. I'm currently on summer vacation and I'm lacking in the job department, so this is one of the few things keeping my sanity... but you probably didn't need to know that.
Thanks again!
I've recently have read all of the chapters in this latest installment. I love this story. At first I was a little leary with Tess but you wrote her arc nicely. Bummer for the writers block. I'm looking forward to what happens next.
However, I'm really glad you enjoyed it, especially considering you read it all in one sitting. Once I can get April going, it should be smooth from there, but the prompts have definitely given me something to work on in the meantime.
i read yours fics translate by Chlollie64, thanks to her and thanks for your so amazing talent,
your words make me dream.
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