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Comments 292

thecomfychair February 22 2010, 10:12:41 UTC
I'll come back and leave better feedback later when I don't have to be awake in two hours but...yeah, this was definitely worth staying up to read. *flail*


seperis February 22 2010, 14:22:45 UTC
*glee* Thank you very much!


danahid February 22 2010, 12:31:59 UTC
Amazing. I am incoherent and sleep-deprived and probably not functional (certainly not able to type). I am blown away by your world-building, by your characterizations, by this:

biting what he can't say but can feel, shutting his eyes at the answering response and the final click where they're not two beings in an infinite universe but a single one, just as infinite and so much more.

In the end, it's beautiful too.

I need to read it again, not in a mad rush, but to savour.


seperis February 22 2010, 14:23:03 UTC
Thanks very, very much! And wow, you read fast. *blinks*


danahid February 22 2010, 15:08:40 UTC
Especially if I don't sleep. :-)

It was worth it, though. It is a fabulous sequel to You'll Get There in the End, and it was especially fun to see how all those snippets you sneak-previewed fit into the whole thing. Very cool.


omendreamer February 22 2010, 12:33:26 UTC
This is awe inspiring. It might possibly be the best reason for a completely sleepless night ever. It's so good I'm worried about reading any more fanfic for at least a day, since it has a fair chance of seeming flawed in comparison. Only you could get me to read SpockPrime with someone other than Jim (of whatever universe). Seriously, my mind just shuts down trying to picture it. I just end up weirded out, vaguely squicked, and feeling like a severe and horrible person for refusing to entertain the possibility of him moving on, or really having any other romantic interests. So while I had to skim a few bits to maintain my mental plausible denial, it still stands as a minor miracle. Everything else was read with the scarily single-minded focus I am rarely motivated to employ. A bomb could have gone off and I would have merely swept aside the debris blocking my screen. Just sheer genius.

P.S. Also very well edited-I noticed about the same number of mistakes that I do in official published work.


omendreamer February 22 2010, 12:38:15 UTC
P.P.S. (Damn my inability to edit comments) I love T'Prina as I have basically never loved an OC that didn't have adorable child factor to overcome my irrational innate prejudices. Her vaguely sassy posture in the picture is simply icing on the cake.


seperis February 22 2010, 14:24:44 UTC
*hands* I was really surprised how much I liked having her around. *g* I'm thrilled other people are enjoying it too! Thanks!


seperis February 22 2010, 14:23:54 UTC
Thanks very much!

Argh. I'm sorry. I totes get you there--I OTP like that, too.


epona34 February 22 2010, 13:27:24 UTC
Love you and your fics! Thank you so much for sharing.
I will try to come back and give a more detailed review later. I need to read it again right now!


seperis February 22 2010, 14:24:52 UTC
Thank you very much!


al_hazel February 22 2010, 14:44:09 UTC
This is completely amazing. I love the amount of detail, the in depth exploration of character motivations, and the relationship between all of them.

The small details that has made its way from the first fic to its sequel makes me gleeful, and I love identifying every single one of them.

Characterisation and plot is as complex and amazing as usual, but it is also easily understood. Your flair for writing such intricate fics is so clearly evident. I love your exploration into the new Vulcan colony, and I love that Amanda Grayson is such a huge part of this story.

There are so much more stuff that I really adore, like the further exploration of Kirk and Spock's relationship, the way Kirk changes the lives of those around him simply by being who he is, and that the Enterprise and her crew will always beat the odds because they are smart and completely awesome.

Completely amazing, and definitely one that I will re-read over and over again.


seperis February 23 2010, 05:30:12 UTC
*bounces* Thanks very, very much! This one let me do a lot of stuff I enjoy doing but all at once. At length, apparently. *g*


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