Post #21

Nov 25, 2012 10:52

Fics ( #20)

notice me this year exo, kris/tao
trois exo, fem!Sehun/luhan/kai
A Matter of Perspective exo, kris/luhan
clandestine exo; kris/baekhyun
untitled beast, doojoon/dongwoon
untitled snsd, hyoyeon/seohyun
untitled infinite, sunggyu/dongwoo

There's a new delicious archive for seoulfulness run by anon(s) who aren't me hereFor flat view, ( Read more... )

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exo; chanyeol/sehun anonymous December 1 2012, 06:53:46 UTC
Chanyeol and Sehun have both liked each other for a long time but neither has realized, with cute rough housing and Sehun pulling Chanyeol around by his tie.


Re: exo; chanyeol/sehun anonymous December 1 2012, 08:58:31 UTC


[fill] exo; chanyeol/sehun (1/?) anonymous December 1 2012, 18:52:01 UTC
omfg anon i loved this request! chanhun is adorable <333 hope you like it bb ^^

Sehun taps a long finger against the rim of his wine glass, maintaining a steady rhythm, a constant clink clink clink against crystal. He’d hate himself if he wasn’t himself, the noise frankly beyond irritating, but he still settles for wallowing in his boredom, the drained glass of Chardonnay his only companion, lips pulled into a petulant frown that probably belies his age of twenty one. He decides he doesn’t care; Chanyeol had promised a wet bar.

Sehun twirls his fork between his fingers and stabs into the left over entree on his plate. At least Chanyeol had chosen the chicken, he supposes glumly. “Be my plus one to my sister’s wedding, he said. There’ll be so many drinks you’ll drown, he said. Why the fuck am I here ( ... )


[fill] exo; chanyeol/sehun (2/?) anonymous December 1 2012, 18:54:19 UTC
“You’re going to lead me to the nearest source of alcohol,” he says primly, tucking Chanyeol’s crisp black tie back into his jacket. The motion seems oddly domestic, so his hands drop quickly to his sides, hanging there awkwardly as Sehun fights the urge to flee. “Stuff that isn’t wine, preferably,” he finishes lamely.

Chanyeol is a good actor (too good an actor to the point it would kind of it Sehun nervous, because he prides himself on the skill of Reading Park Chanyeol Better than Anyone Else, Thank You very Fucking Much), but Sehun sees Chanyeol’s eyes tighten infinitesimally before they’re round with their normal, scheduled sunshine. Maybe Sehun’s nervousness has gifted him with observational skills for once in his life.

“Got it,” Chanyeol says, and Sehun lets him pull him along.

✦“At this point, I only taste liquor in this. Very rummy,” Chanyeol grouses, grimacing. It makes his whole face contort and his right eye squints and Sehun almost inhales his second bottle of soju right up his nose. Chanyeol takes another sip. “Eh ( ... )


[fill] exo; chanyeol/sehun (3/?) anonymous December 1 2012, 18:56:02 UTC
But the moment passes, to Sehun’s gratitude, because he doesn’t think he could suffer anymore from the disarray of emotions Chanyeol lures in droves; awkwardness isn’t a needed fixture.

Before Chanyeol can say another word, Sehun is up on his feet, the last dregs of soju forgotten in his bottle. “Let’s go,” he agrees, smile feeling a bit sloppy on his face, but then he’s leading Chanyeol by the tie again, fingers wrapped tightly around the fabric, and Chanyeol follows dutifully, even if he knocks Sehun on the back of the head as he leads the two of them to bid goodbye to Taeyeon. His iron grip on Chanyeol’s tie isn’t really needed, after all.

✦The hotel they’re staying in is in close distance from the reception hall, so they walk there, the soft ocean breeze of Jeju Island tickling the messy hair at the nape of Sehun’s neck. Chanyeol has an arm thrown over his shoulder, the last, alcohol-heavy daiquiri presenting itself to his bones. His deep chuckles wash over Sehun and make him want to drag Chanyeol onto the nearby beach and let ( ... )


[fill] exo; chanyeol/sehun (4/4) anonymous December 1 2012, 18:57:33 UTC
He gets a transient glance into Chanyeol’s eyes, surprisingly clear and unsurprisingly wide. He finds Chanyeol’s tie with roving hands and suddenly eye contact was a stupid thing to mull over because he yanks gently and Chanyeol’s lips follow this time, soft and careful and sweet with strawberries and ChanyeolHe starts upon pulling away, lips feeling tingly. His bones feel even worse, a hurricane of jitters and disbelief sweeping through his bloodstream. “Chanye--” Chanyeol shuts him up with another kiss, this one deeper and a bit more reckless, edging on sloppy but still just as good, reaching down to Sehun’s toes curling in uncomfortable dress shoes. This time he tastes rum smoky in the back of Chanyeol’s mouth, swallows timbre groans and follows with breathy sighs that vibrate off the tip of his tongue twined with Chanyeol’s ( ... )


Re: [fill] exo; chanyeol/sehun (4/4) anonymous December 2 2012, 05:18:10 UTC
not op but this is really cute and beautiful ♥ picturing them wrestling on the bed with suits i just

thank you


Re: [fill] exo; chanyeol/sehun (4/4) anonymous December 3 2012, 16:46:16 UTC
thank you so much :')


Re: [fill] exo; chanyeol/sehun (4/4) anonymous December 2 2012, 06:11:16 UTC
this was so great and i really liked it a lot! :3 i especially liked the ending~. i'm sure the op will love this, because you honestly did a good job. :)


Re: [fill] exo; chanyeol/sehun (4/4) anonymous December 3 2012, 16:47:27 UTC
yay! i'm happy you enjoyed it :3 thanks for the reassurance, it's very appreciated! i always get nervous posting things here tbh haha. thanks again :')


Re: [fill] exo; chanyeol/sehun (4/4) anonymous December 2 2012, 10:07:21 UTC

Thank you, I loved it ; ; ......

They are kinda perfect with Sehun's awkwardness and Chanyeol being precious and all smiles but way more complicated than that.

All of their banter made me laugh and Sehun leading Chanyeol around by the tie is what I imagined.


Thank you ♡


Re: [fill] exo; chanyeol/sehun (4/4) anonymous December 3 2012, 16:48:47 UTC
/cries yay i'm so happy you liked it!!! i loved your prompt so much :') it really made me realize how presh chanhun is omg. no problem bb!


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Re: [fill] exo; chanyeol/sehun (4/4) anonymous December 3 2012, 16:49:37 UTC
ahh thank you so much bb!! /wipes tears :''3


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