Title: Exclusive
Fandom and Pairing: Super Junior, Kangteuk
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Summary: Kangin kicks everyone else out.
Warnings: Mild violence.
Hyukjae got hit, and Kangin waved his arms and yelled when he chased Heechul and Hankyung out the door. Kyuhyun walked in before the door closed, but backed out again when Kangin started growling. At first, Eeteuk smiled because he knew Kangin was having fun. He rolled his eyes when Kyuhyun got growled at, but he started to worry when Kangin turned on Donghae.
Donghae was stubborn about it. He withstood the pinching and the punching. He settled back into the couch and held on when Kangin tried to pull him off by the cuffs of his pants. He gave in when Kangin tipped the couch, getting scared that the whole thing would land on top of him.
"Fine, fine! I surrender! Just put it down and I'll go," he said. He glared at Kangin and then at Eeteuk, brushed off the imaginary dust of battle, and left.
"Why are you being such a jerk?" Eeteuk asked. He settled into the spot where Donghae had been. Kangin shoved him over and then pulled him back again after he got comfortable.
"Because." He leaned on Eeteuk's shoulder and pushed 'play' on the remote. "Sometimes I wanna hang out with just you."