Title: How To Dig Your Own Grave
Fandom and Pairing: SHINee; gen
Rating: G
Word Count: 200 words
Summary: Kibum teaches Jinki English; Minho teaches him manners.
Warnings: Picking on a ~*~special~*~ kid.
"I'm calling it Idioms with the Idiot."
Kibum grins Cheshire, entirely too pleased with himself as he explains his newest English study method. For each entry in his dictionary of English idiomatic expressions, he picks an embarrassing Jinki story to serve as a mnemonic device.
“Remember that time at dance practice, when hyung fell over, like, seven times before he realized he was wearing Jonghyun-hyung’s left sneaker on his right foot? ‘Two left feet.’ Or when he couldn’t figure out how to work the handle on the bathroom door at the studio and got stuck inside the men’s room for an hour? ‘Dumb as a doorknob.’”
Jinki’s eyes are as big as saucers. Ooh, that’s another one!
“Hyung, aren’t you glad? Your Condition’s finally doing someone some good!”
The noise Jinki makes in response reminds Kibum of yet another idiom: ”like a kicked puppy.” Then, much to Kibum’s surprise, Minho gets in on the act as well. It’s enough to make him reconsider his Jinki-only policy, as Minho’s mnemonic is perhaps the best one yet-it will be impossible to forget “carried away” after Minho physically picks him up and drops him ass first into the garbage can in the kitchen.