Title: Subject to Change
Fandom and Pairing: Infinite; Myungsoo-centric
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt/s Used: picture prompt
Summary: A picture speaks a thousand words. This isn’t a picture.
Warnings: N/A
Myungsoo takes pictures.
Because, sometimes, life skips over him like the way pebbles trip their way across a small pond. A picture a day - just one simple photograph of him, of her, of them - is enough but he always ends up taking more until there is no more memory left. After all, it’s the people who he spends time with, the people who give him advice, the people who he watches from afar-
Wrong room.
A quick retreat on his feet, only to trip and smash his camera.
Short story shorter: Myungsoo took pictures. They did not develop well.