Title: just passing through
Fandom and Pairing: Super Junior; Yesung/Donghae
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Prompt/s Used: Both
Summary: Yesung stops to watch him, like he always does.
Warnings: NA
He's there again, as usual. The sky's tinged with dusk and the pedestrians strolling past pay no attention to the artist and his easel by the river. Yesung stops to watch him, like he always does.
He uses a different medium every piece; sometimes it's oils on canvas, sometimes watercolours. Today it's charcoal on paper, dark smudgy prints on white, magically blending into the panoramic landscape of the river with just a flick of the artist's wrist or a quick rub with his thumb. It's beautiful.
Yesung must have been standing there longer than usual, because the artist suddenly turns.
"Pretty, right?" he asks, matter-of-factly, as if they aren't complete strangers.
"Sorry to interrupt," Yesung stammers. "I'm just on my morning jog - "
The artist grins. "I'm just done - " he adds a few strokes to the bottom right of the artwork - "so - here." He whips it off the easel, rolls it up, and presses it into Yesung's hands.
On his way home, Yesung unfurls the piece. Smooth broad strokes, expressive and free - Yesung can see the artist embedded in every loop and line. And in the bottom right corner, he's signed: Donghae.
Yesung smiles.