Well, that's kinda like the whole slamming the piano cover on her fingers. Not gonna break them as specified in the farm. The only thing that could stop her from having babies would be if they had also mucked with her uterus, which could have been done vaginally. But there's no indication that'd happened.
Exactly. But everyone's assuming that "Oh hey, one ovary gone means I can't ever get pregnant." And then that belief spreads like wildfire and suddenly everyone believes it.
*Ends her anal retentive crusade and writes some non-ovary related fanfic*
Not to mention the fact that Kara made it fairly clear she didn't want to have a child. Now, choosing not to do something and having said choice taken away from you are vastly, VASTLY different things. So if Cylon interference had rendered Starbuck infertile, it's certainly possible that she'd angst over it. But that'd only be true if she'd lost both ovaries (in which case she'd be in premature menopause right about now, and have tons of stuff to angst over).
Should Starbuck have angst over the Cylons misappropriating one of her ovaries? Of course. But I see her more steamed over the violation, and fearful of what sort of crazy science project could happen with her eggs. The "Oh, woe is me, I'm infertile and can never have Lee Adama's babies" thing is silly, because it goes against basic medical facts. I got a C in Grade 12 biology (the last bio class I ever took), and even I knew that.
in which case she'd be in premature menopause right about now, and have tons of stuff to angst over Actually, I would think *everyone else* would have a lot to angst over. yikes!
As for the misappropriation of said ovary, that would be very angsty.
I completely agree that Kara definitely can and should angst about her ovaries (some of the best, recent fics are based on that).
As for The "Oh, woe is me, I'm infertile and can never have Lee Adama's babies" thing is silly, because it goes against basic medical facts. I got a C in Grade 12 biology (the last bio class I ever took), and even I knew that.
We didn't even discuss this in my biology class eons ago in freshman year. Shouldn't it be common sense? I mean two ovaries, then subtract one. What do you have left...one working ovary.
Ugh. I'm starting to hate ovaries now. Let's just take Kara's other one and be done with it. Sadly this will mean no little Starbuckettes.
I didn't even think they took one of them. I could have sworn the first (well, second) procedure was exploratory, and that Simon said they were going to be removed the next day. But worst case scenario, yeah, she has at least one still.
No, they haven't really gone into it. And honestly...I just don't see Starbuck angsting over children, or the ability to bear them or not. I haven't seen much of anything on the show to indicate she ever wants to be a mother, or would much mourn the inability to be one. Now, I'm not saying Starbuck doesn't care about what they did or intended to do to her in The Farm, that was some creepy invasive nasty stuff. I just don't think Starbuck thinks about her ovaries too much, then or now.
I agree, in general I don't see her angsting over being able to have children-in fact, she'd probably be all over not having to mess with periods. However, I could see her, in some future point in time, starting to angst over it. People who I've talked to who don't have children have had some yearning at some point or another about it. But, it does go away. ~whew~ It would be interesting to see whatever the fallout of her whole escapade will be. I hope they address that at some point. Although I'm picturing bunches of Buck clones, and them trying to kill the real one...eek!
Oh no, the Satan Spawn are not the cylon kids. I was thinking more in terms of little evil Starbuckettes that drink, gamble, and punch Uncle Tigh in the face.
Now that I think about this I seriously need to check myself into an insitution.
I missed all the fun, since I never got into reading BSG fanfic much, but I agree with a couple of the commenters here: It was my understanding that they hadn't removed the ovary. Whatever surgical procedure they did was to test the ovary's function. Removal was planned for later, but then Starbuck escaped.
Still makes an interesting topic for fanfic, though.
P.S. My dad is 65 y.o. and my mom is 60+. Several of my (many) cousins are over 30. None of us has ever had a tooth removed, nor had any trouble (pain, blood, crappy smiles, or otherwise) to show for it. ^_^
I wonder if the BSG fleet has a working dentist. They all have pretty nice teeth.
Well they have Cally, she should know a little bit about teeth.
P.S. My dad is 65 y.o. and my mom is 60+. Several of my (many) cousins are over 30. None of us has ever had a tooth removed, nor had any trouble (pain, blood, crappy smiles, or otherwise) to show for it. ^_^
Lucky you, I was in pain for a week. Also it kinda depends on whether or not you have room for your wisdom teeth in your mouth (most people don't or they grow in sideways, etc). So I will retract my "EVERYONE" comment.
Comments 30
The only thing that could stop her from having babies would be if they had also mucked with her uterus, which could have been done vaginally. But there's no indication that'd happened.
*Ends her anal retentive crusade and writes some non-ovary related fanfic*
Should Starbuck have angst over the Cylons misappropriating one of her ovaries? Of course. But I see her more steamed over the violation, and fearful of what sort of crazy science project could happen with her eggs. The "Oh, woe is me, I'm infertile and can never have Lee Adama's babies" thing is silly, because it goes against basic medical facts. I got a C in Grade 12 biology (the last bio class I ever took), and even I knew that.
Actually, I would think *everyone else* would have a lot to angst over. yikes!
As for the misappropriation of said ovary, that would be very angsty.
As for The "Oh, woe is me, I'm infertile and can never have Lee Adama's babies" thing is silly, because it goes against basic medical facts. I got a C in Grade 12 biology (the last bio class I ever took), and even I knew that.
We didn't even discuss this in my biology class eons ago in freshman year. Shouldn't it be common sense? I mean two ovaries, then subtract one. What do you have left...one working ovary.
Ugh. I'm starting to hate ovaries now. Let's just take Kara's other one and be done with it. Sadly this will mean no little Starbuckettes.
Plus, did they even address her missing!ovary/stillthere!ovary situation on the show post-The Farm?
However, I could see her, in some future point in time, starting to angst over it. People who I've talked to who don't have children have had some yearning at some point or another about it. But, it does go away. ~whew~
It would be interesting to see whatever the fallout of her whole escapade will be. I hope they address that at some point. Although I'm picturing bunches of Buck clones, and them trying to kill the real one...eek!
Now that I think about this I seriously need to check myself into an insitution.
Squee! Love your Fred icon by the way.
heeeee I would love to see that.
Isn't the icon cool? I saw it, and had to grab it. :D Forget who it's from, but it should be on the keywords.
Still makes an interesting topic for fanfic, though.
P.S. My dad is 65 y.o. and my mom is 60+. Several of my (many) cousins are over 30. None of us has ever had a tooth removed, nor had any trouble (pain, blood, crappy smiles, or otherwise) to show for it. ^_^
I wonder if the BSG fleet has a working dentist. They all have pretty nice teeth.
P.S. My dad is 65 y.o. and my mom is 60+. Several of my (many) cousins are over 30. None of us has ever had a tooth removed, nor had any trouble (pain, blood, crappy smiles, or otherwise) to show for it. ^_^
Lucky you, I was in pain for a week. Also it kinda depends on whether or not you have room for your wisdom teeth in your mouth (most people don't or they grow in sideways, etc). So I will retract my "EVERYONE" comment.
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