[FIC] Virgin Sacrifice (Angel Sanctuary, Uriel/Katou)

Mar 25, 2013 13:55

Title: Virgin Sacrifice.
Fandom:Angel Sanctuary.
Rating: R
Trope Bingo square: Virgin fic.
Summary: No-one should have to die a virgin more than once. Seriously, it’s embarrassing. Uriel/Katou.
Word count: 1537

FIC: Virgin Sacrifice )

angel sanctuary

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sententia March 29 2013, 21:10:01 UTC
Thank you! I was always surprised that there was almost no fic at all for these two, especially given that we know Katou doesn't like his name but Uriel calls him Yue so frequently (plus the whole bringing him back thing). And I think some of the change in them both comes from their interactions with each other. They're actually my favourite pair in the series, in both a gen and relationship sense and I wish they'd been explored a little bit more.


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